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Your Opinions

The Backdoor Boys are just a cheap immatation of 'N Sync. They don't even deserve to be on the top 100. 'N Sync is actually a really down to earth group who don't have their heads up their asses. You notice that they have Boys in their name. That's because all they are are just a bunch of "Boys". Nick probably sits in his room and smoke pot and sniffs just to act cool. His voice is all cracky. Obviously he hasn't hit puberty yet. They(BDB) don't dance, they walk around and every now and then make a hand motion at the camera. 'N Sync at least knows how to get down with their BAD selfs. hehehehe Maybe BDB needs to take a few lessons from 'N Sync. If you would like to write to me, my addy is
AKA Silver Queen

Ok peoples, this has gone on long enough, the BSB and 'N Sync don't hate eachother so why do the BSB and the 'N Sync fans have to hate eachother? They do have there differences but they are a lot alike. But the backstreet boys don't hate their fans, they wrote a song just for them, how can u hate someone who writes a song for u? And the bsb did turn down the Disney Concert Special last summer because they were too busy with their touring and stuff so that gave 'N Sync, who were just getting the top of the charts, a chance. Why do people like the bsb and hate 'n sync and people hate the bsb and like 'n sync? There isn't that much a difference but they have differences. They are a lot alike it's scary. They are both from Orlando. They both have 5 members. They both have the baby. They both have the serious one. They both have a big brother type. See, they are a lot alike and are a lot different and we don't have to hate them, either of them. Neither of them hate there fans so we don't have to hate them. I hope that everyone that reads this will see that they both have great music and great bodies, well, at least 1 member of both of them has to have a bad body, but that's not the point. We don't need to hate 1 and like the other, we can like both. Us boy band fans have to stick together because if we didn't, a lot of bad things would happen. <--Dori

Ok all you so-called fans out there. The Backstreet Boys and *N SYNC are equally talented. Enough with this BSB/*N SYNC sucks, crap! They are both great boy bands and don't deserve such hate that I've read on this page! It's been said that the BSB's only sing slower ballads, but look at their first album! Most of those songs were high-tempo! The new album shows maturity and more sorrow as things have happened to them through their prosperous careers! About them being too old, that just means, you're too young! I do admit, I like *N SYNC better because they can dance better and admire the fans more, but STOP DISSING the BACKSTREET BOYS! Get my picture? They both have really cute guys, but I won't mention names as to save a future argument. But just look at yourselves. Do you really think that the BSB's don't love their fans? Hello!! Without the fans, they wouldn't be here today, introducing all of the new hot boy bands! I'd really appreciate it if you guys just chill out and give the BSB's a break! They are totally awesome as are *N SYNC! Thank you. ~Shannon~

I think the boy band war is a bunch of crap. There is enough room in the entertainment business for all of them. I think it is all stupid. All the "boy bands" are great. Whether it is Nsync, Backstreet Boys, 98* or 5ive. Just drop it. they are all great.Amy Sumrall

OK here is the deal everyone! Yes, there are people with different opinions and they have the right to express their feelings so I have no problem with what you are saying about the Backstreet Boys, but when it comes to dissing everyone who likes the BSB to, now that is wrong and I have something to say about that! Yes, NSYNC is the best and I think that to, but what is wrong with the Backstreet Boys? There is nothing wrong with them and they are just as nice, they are not stuck up like some fathead said they were. I am not favoring anyone but when it comes to this, fighting over the Internet about who is better and all, that is just plain sick and you guys should know better than that! In my words no one is better than anyone else and we should accept that! NSYNC has the hot one Justin and great harmonies and BSB has great harmonies and the long lasting pride of starting other groups. Don't forget if you ever have the chance to ask BSB or NSYNC a question ask this one "Are you friends with NSYNC/BSB?" and you would get the answer "Yes we are friends and we get along great thank-you." It would most likely be something like that. And believe me I have asked!!- Amanda

First of all I cannot even begin to tell you how much better 'n sync is then bsb!'n sync always puts me in a great mood with their uptempo songs,i hate bsb.bsb are sooooo ugly,and melissa you are soo wrong when you say 'n sync got stuck with Joey.Joey is by faarr the best one of the group -all around best looking,great personality,very friendly, and even funny really makes me mad when people get on 'n sync pages and bash one of the members,i love all of them and bsb are going down-they can't dance and are way too old! - Jamie

OK...I have nothing against the BSB...but I just like *NSYNC better!! I used to LOVE BSB...but then I came to my sences and realized *NYSNC is just...better. To seems that BSB is a more manufactured group and that *NSYNC is just out to have fun!! BSB are WAY too serious about this. I mean...these kind of jobs come and go...they should just be having fun with what they do while they can still do it!! I mean...BSB put on a great show...and I like their music...but *NSYNC put on a better show...and I LOVE their music. *NSYNC has more of the fast songs than the slow ballads that BSB tends to lean to. I like the ballads because they are really pretty...but come don't want a whole concert of ballads!! And with BSB...that was about half the songs at the concert!! Another reason why I like *NSYNC better is because they seem to care for their fans a lot more!! BSB have fans ALL over the world...and *NSYNC has more fans in the US than in the I think since *NSYNC might not have as many fans total as BSB...they tend to cherish their fans more...and they spend more time with them and so on!! But in my mind...*NSYNC is definately #1 in the boy band department!! *Christine*

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