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Here are some cool quotes from the guys of 'N Sync. E-mail me if you have any that you would like to see up here and I'll give you full credit. Also, some of these may not be right. I got them all from a fairly reliable source, but please let me know if the wording is screwed up in any way... thanks...

Justin's Quotes

"Let's play some basketball baby!"

"He's [Joey] a big hormone!"

On the Regis and Kathie Lee Show:

Justin: "I just want to sit down!"
Some girl in the audience: "Justin! You can sit on my lap!"
Justin: "Excuse me?! I don't know you!"

"She was talkin' about my man's dreads"


Lance's Quotes

"I was skydiving and hit a bird"

"Y'know, baby, my love for you will always stay true. That's right. Huh. Cuz there is NO me without you." - Everything I Own

"You know what pecan is, right? Well it's a nut, in a shell, and butter is butter, but it's sweet and... NEVERMIND! Chocolate chip!"

"We've got our character voices down. Our dream is to be South Park characters"

"Poo-Foo? Poo-Foo? Where are you? Come out and play..."

"I can't sleep with any light whatsoever. My cell phone has this little charger with an itty-bitty light, and I can see it when my eyes are closed. It bugs the heck out of me. So I can't have any light, unless there's a fireplace."

"The only gift I wanted was you" - The Only Gift

"Girl, were you alone?" - Giddy Up

Chris's Quotes

"I find a way to get in trouble everywhere. I'll be in a retirement home getting into trouble."-Says Chris - Rachel

"I sliced it!"

"I'm in love with an alien."

"If my girlfriend were taller than me, I'd have to wear heels!"

"And I suppose you don't smell, either."

"Get me some headphones!"

"He's albino. Quit lying, he's a Mississippian albino. They're very rare in this part of the country." -(talking about Lance)

"The weird thing about JC is... well, say we're driving somewhere and we see a pretty girl. The four of us will go, 'Wow! Check out that girl!'... Five minutes later, JC will go, 'Wow! Check out that dog! I wonder what kind it is?' He's nuts about dogs."

"I wanna score tonight!"

Joey's Quotes

"Sometimes we get free ice cream at Mcdonald's"-says Joey, when asked how success has changed them. - Rachel

"I don't have a Superman tattoo on my butt, I swear!"

"I picked my nose when I was younger, therefore I have large nostrils."

"Whatever you do... I do, too... I think... I just don't play hopskotch." -from the home video

JC's Quotes

"Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It's not that I like to sleep, it's that I don't like to get up. There's a difference."

"What do I like to do? I like to SLEEP. And I don't get to do my hobby very much, THANK YOU..." -from the home video

"Have respect for EVERYONE.

Group Quotes

"Hi. We're here. You were worried about us, but now we're here. You thought we quit, didn't you? Well we didn't. We're not going solo!" -Chris and Justin

"Lance got a big old butt, I told ya I be true, cuz Lance got a big old butt, so I'm eatin' you..." -JC and Justin
Anyone know where this one came from? I'm not even going to ask...
