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2:30 AM

Krystal rolled out of bed and looked at her clock. It was 2:30 in the morning. Someone was at the door. "I wonder what's going on that someone would ring the bell at this hour?", she thought. The green glow of the alarm clock lit her way out of her room and down the stairs. There was more than one person at the door. She peered out the window, and could see 5 shapes standing there, shivering. Krystal cautiously opened the door to see who they were and what they wanted.

"Please help us. We were in an accident and have nowhere to stay for the night. Please let us stay here. Please. We need your help," said a high voice. "Yes, please put us up for the night. We will repay you, we promise," said another voice. Krystal was undecided. She still had no idea who these people were, and her parents would be furious if she let a stranger in the house. But her parents were also sound asleep. If she could get these mysterious people out of her house before they woke up...

"Ok. Come on in. But first tell me who you are and what you're doing here." "You mean, you don't recognize us?" one of the figures said, as he stepped in the door. He flicked on the light switch. Krystal fainted.

"Come on, come on, get her some water!" JC whispered. Lance went running to the kitchen and got Krystal an ice cold glass of water. Chris and Justin stood looking on, as Joey managed to find some blankets. As Krystal came to, she realized who they were. "'N Sync is in my house! Oh my God!" she thought. "What have I done to deserve this?!" As these thoughts raced through her mind, she heard Lance whisper, "She's going to be alright." Kaylin sat up. "Well, I guess I better introduce myself. My name's Krystal." "We're 'N Sync," the 5 guys said in unison. JC then spoke out. "We need a place to stay for the night. Can you help us? Our bus crashed just outside, and it's smashed in everywhere." "You're lucky you weren't hurt," she said, as she stared at her company. It was unbelievable, she couldn't wait to tell her friends- 'N Sync was in her house! It was every teenager's dream! "Well, let's get you settled in," she said, "I know just where you can all sleep."

Ten minutes later, Justin was sleeping peacefully on the floor of her sister's room. "Just wait till Allison wakes up and finds her idol on her bedroom floor!" Krystal thought. Joey was asleep on her other little sister's floor, snoring. JC laughed and said, "He always does that when he's happy." Lance, Chris, and Krystal all laughed together at Joey.

As the remaining 3 'N Sync-ers walked down the hall towards Krystal's room, the only place left to sleep, Krystal knew they were in for a surprise. Her walls were plastered with 'N Sync posters and other merchandise. Lance almost went into a state of shock when he realized that a picture of his face was the background of a wall clock. JC smiled as he saw all the merchandise scattered all over her dresser- the video, books, CD's, pictures, patches, pens, pencils, buttons, stickers, photo albums, and much, much more. "I think you're the reason we have any business!" Chris said as he looked over at the dresser. Krystal blushed. "I call the floor!" Chris said. Lance and JC both leapt for the bed, and had a quick, good-natured fight over it. "Wait," Lance said, "it's her room, she should get the bed. We'll sleep downstairs." "Oh yeah, you're right," JC said. In a sudden act of courage, Krystal said, "Wait... um, you guys can sleep on the bed if you want. I'll move over. The bed's big enough, and it really is a cold night." Lance and JC looked at each other, the dove again for the bed, fighting over blankets and pillows. Krystal laughed as JC whipped out a stuffed animal and curled up with it. "I never go anywhere without Teddy!" he proclaimed. Finally, after everyone got settled in, Krystal managed to fall asleep. It was 3:13 AM. Her heart raced as Lance snuggled closer to her, then started snoring.

Sunspots shot into the room. "Oh my God, it's morning! They might be gone already! No!" As Krystal tried to jump out of bed, relief flooded over her. They were still there, sleeping soundly. But somehow she had ended up in the middle, with a guy on each side of her. "Now that is one threesome I would not have minded at all!" she thought, then was ashamed of herself. Krystal gently shook Lance and JC awake. Chris was still snoring on the floor, a very high-pitched snore that matched his voice. They went downstairs together, and were surprised to find Joey making coffee and Justin chatting with her parents. Krystal's little sister was sitting wide-eyed across the table from Justin, and it was obvious he was trying not to laugh at her. Krystal's mom burst into laughter as she saw her daughter standing in between her two favorite 'N Sync-ers. "Have a nice sleep, honey?" her mom said. "Hell yeah!" Krystal responded, not caring that she had sworn.

"Well, we better be on our way. We have a concert to do tonight and we need to practice. You've been a great host already, but can you possibly give us a ride to the venue?" Krystal was more than happy to agree. "I wish I could go to the concert," she said under her breath. "What was that I heard?" Lance asked. "Sure you can go! And we'll even give you front row tickets!" Krystal was speechless. All she could get out was a weak "thanks!" As the car pulled out of the driveway, she thought back on the last 12 hours, the greatest 12 hours of her life. She was all ready for the concert, and she even got to watch them rehearse. As they went in for sound check, she slipped Lance her phone number. He blushed and kissed her cheek, promising that he would call her. JC did the same, and eventually she had hugged and kissed every guy at least 3 times. What a day it had been for Krystal.

The lights dimmed. Britney Spears FINALLY gave up the stage. Screams filled the air, along with an undescribable tension. Everyone knew what was coming. All of a sudden, 5 men in spacesuits appeared on the stage. Off came the suits. "It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you..." Krystal grinned and screamed, "I LOVE YOU LANCE AND JC!" She was satisfied as she saw them both wink and wave at her. And so ended the best day of her life.

- Dreamed and written (although unfortunately not experienced!) by Krystal Slater

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