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The Beach Party

"Gee, Amanda... I don't know. I think we were supposed to turn right there, then left, not left then right. And we must have mistaken Meadowlark Road for Meadowlake Road, or else how else could we have wound up here?" I asked, gesturing helplessly at the empty parking lot. We were stopped at a run-down gas station, out of patience and out of gas. Four hours earlier, Amanda and I had set off for a giant beach party and an outdoor concert, with a surprise musical group. In our haste to get there, we had made several wrong turns.

"I'll go in and ask for directions. Want a Pepsi or something?" Amanda handed over a dollar and asked for a Diet Coke. I went in and talked to the cashier for a few minutes. He was an old man, he had lived here for a long time, and knew the roads well. "Just take Southlake to Commerce, then get on the freeway. Off at exit 10, then hang a right on Jefferson. You can't miss the beach, there's signs everywhere for it. You could see those signs from the frickin' moon if you looked hard enough." I thanked him, then headed toward the back of the store for our drinks. As I grabbed for a Dr. Pepper, I felt a hand close over mine. I whipped my head around and came face to face with my idol: Lance Bass. "Ohmigod!" I screamed, and dropped the bottle. Dr. Pepper sprayed all over the floor. My feet soaking wet, I stood staring for what seemed like hours, then stammered, "uh... sorry... I... I mean, I didn't mean to... scream. I'm just glad... I mean amazed... no, honored... to meet... you..." "It's ok. We get that reaction all the time," said Lance, pointing behind him. There stood the rest of 'N Sync. I could have peed my pants. "So, can I buy you a drink? Hope you like Coke, cause that was the last Dr. Pepper!"

After we had introduced ourselves, I remembered Amanda. She was still waiting for me! As the guys and I walked up to the cash register, they said they had also taken a wrong turn, and ended up here. They were headed for the beach party also! 'N Sync was the surprise group! "You wanna ride with us?" JC said in a concerned voice, "it's gotta be hot in your car, and we have a TV and air conditioning on our bus." Breathless, I agreed. It was then that Amanda rushed in, swearing and muttering about how we were going to be late. When she saw who I was with, she stopped dead in her tracks. "These nice guys," I said, with one arm around Lance and the other around Chris, "are going to let us ride to the party with them." Amanda screamed.

Three amazing hours later, Amanda and I were in the front row at the concert. It was just beginning. Earlier we had gone swimming at a private beach with the guys, then had barbequed dinner. As we exchanged goodbyes with them, I saw Justin pull Amanda just a little bit closer to him. He looked sad. As I was watching this, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to face Lance. Without saying anything, he kissed me then slipped me his phone number, saying "Call me." And I did. You bet I did.

Fan Art
