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The Late Shift

Jamie yawned and glanced at her watch. It was 12:30 AM and she wanted to go to sleep. But home was hours away, she thought, as she looked around the lonely McDonald's kitchen. She was the only one left there, her boss had trusted her finally to lock up, and she was working both the drive-thru and the main dining room. "I should have been at the 'N Sync concert tonight," she thought ruefully. Tickets had gone on sale while she was on vacation and had sold out the day before she got back. The concert had ended hours ago, and many happy fans were asleep in their beds now. But not her.

About 1:00 AM a bus pulled into the empty McDonald's parking lot. Jamie was amazed by it's size and wondered who would be crazy enough to drive a bus that big. She turned her attention though back to the TV and forgot about the enormous bus parked outside. She gasped as 5 familiar faces walked through the door, then almost fainted. Justin Timberlake walked up to the counter... "Yeah, uh, can I'd like a Big Mac, with fries, a Coke, hold the onions." Jamie just stared. The rest of the guys laughed, and her face flushed. 'N Sync was laughing at her! Feeling like a total fool, she started babbling about how much she loved them, how great their music was, how she didn't get to go to their concert tonight. The guys listened and nodded, and were very sympathetic. They invited her to dine with them. "I'll get our food ready!" said Joey jokingly, "I've always wanted to work at a McDonald's!" They all laughed.

Five minutes later, Jamie sat in a booth scrunched between Chris and Justin. She was so shocked she could barely eat, but she managed to act normal. The 6 of them talked and exchanged stories. Jamie listened intently when each guy spoke. Finally, they said, it was time for them to go. Before they left, Jamie ran out to her car to get her 'N Sync CD. "Here... would you mind signing this for me maybe?" She smiled as the guys autographed one of her most prized possessions, then hugged them all. As the 'N Sync tour bus left the parking lot, she gave a dreamy sigh and stared after it. As she finally turned to begin cleaning up the kitchen, she lifted up a towel to wipe down the counters. A small envelope was underneath. Jamie's hands shook as she realized what it was. An autographed ticket stub from the concert that night, and 4 backstage passes along with 4 front row tickets to their next concert. For the first time in her career here at McDonald's, something had gone right... WAY right...

Fan Art
