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'N Sync

It was December. Cold, snowy, icy, and BORING! The only excitement of the winter would be on December 27th, two days after Christmas. The N Sync concert. I couldn't wait. Sadly to say it is December 2nd. The next 25 days were going to be long and painful.

26 days later........

I wish I knew how painful they were going to be! On December 17th I took a plane to Orlando, Florida with my parents and two little, yet very annoying sisters. We arrived in the warm, sun stricken city with smiles on our faces. On the plane I was thinking, this is where N Sync was formed, there agency is here. This should be one heck of a trip!

Oh but it wasn't. It started the next day. I heard the reports. "Heavy snow and ice to be falling in Detroit in the next couple of days. Storms will be continuing over the next couple of weeks," said the weartherman. I screamed. What is we didn't make it back by the concert. What if we did but N Sync didn't? My dream would be over.

Then my parents decicded we were leaving home on the 26th instead of the 24th! Only one day to be home before the concert. I screamed again!

So on December 26th, 1999 I walked slowly into the airport. When we checked in they realized they made a mistake, they only had 4 tickets down instead of 5. The clerk suggested one of us fly first class. For free. Dad said I could. Well, that was good. So we boarded the plane I sat down in my seat, saying good bye to my parents. I looked over to a flight attendant who asked if I needed anything. I said "No thanks". Under my breath I muttered, "Yeah I need my concert." A voice with a southern accent from the seat next to me said, "What concert." I looked over, and sitting next to me was Lance Bass! I screamed. A flight attendant came running over. "What's wrong?," she asked. "Nothing," I replied. "Hi", said Lance. "Hi!", I said. I looked behind me and saw JC and Joey sitting comfortably and across the aisle was Chris and Justin. "Ohmigod!" I chatted with all five of them over the 2 1/2 short hours. They all gave me there numbers, and I gave them mine. We kissed and said goodbye.

The next day the concert was awesome! Lance, JC, Justin, Joey, and Chris surprised me byordering me a limo with two backstage passes and front row seats. After the concert I meet backstage with them. We talked, took pictures, and hugged. They said next time they were in time they stop and say Hi. They even said I could come with them on there next stop! I wish I could've but I couldn't.

By the wishing heart of Amanda Slavinsky.

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