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Attention K-Mart Shoppers...

"Hey, Kaylin... what do you think of this nail polish? It will be perfect to wear to the concert tonight." Kaylin sighed. "Yeah," she said dreamily, as if in a daze, "the concert...'N Sync..." She still couldn't believe she was going to an 'N Sync concert. It was her first concert ever, and just happened to be her favorite group of all time. In 8 long hours, she would be among thousands of other screaming fans, chanting the guy's names and singing the songs. Kaylin couldn't wait. But she had to get ready now. There was almost no one in the store, it being a Monday morning. She had cut school so she could prepare for the concert.


Five figures tried to walk through the K-Mart doors at once. Finding all 5 of them couldn't fit through at the same time, there was a shoving match to see who could get through first, accompanied with some harsh words. Finally all 5 guys were in the store. No one recognized them as 'N Sync, the few people in the store were all adults and didn't have any time for "teenybopper" music. Chris was pushing a cart, with a sleeping JC snoring inside it. He started to run, then jumped up onto the bar near the wheels, and rode the cart down the aisle. He knocked over a young woman, but apologized and kept going. At the same time, Lance was checking the sale ads, looking for a sale on mascara. Finding what he needed, he said, "Hey guys, I'll meet you at the front in about an hour, ok?" The rest of them laughed, knowing that he was going to look for a new make-up supply. Lance blushed and hurried off toward the L'Oreal products. "See ya," Justin said, and sprinted off toward the sporting goods. He needed a new basketball. "Wait, what about JC? I'm not going to baby sit him!" said Chris, but Justin was already out of sight. Joey laughed and ran for the toy section before Chris could dump JC with him. He wanted to see if there were any Superman dolls.

"Great", Chris said. He sighed and wheeled the sleeping JC toward the linens aisle, threw a few pillows and a blanket into the cart for his bandmate, then hurried off to look around.

Kaylin was getting very impatient with Meghan. "Come on, girl, hurry up! Let's get out of here before people realize we aren't in school!" "Take a chill Kaylin... what do you think of this blue mascara?" She looked at me, showing it off. It was horrid. "I kinda like it, what kind is it and how much?" said a sexy bass voice from behind me. I whirled around and knocked Lance Bass's basketfull of cosmetics out of his hands. Meghan screamed. I fainted.

I came to in the smelly K-Mart bathroom, all 5 guys by my side. "Damn! I'm in a bathroom with 'N Sync!" was the only thought that crossed my mind. Not like I minded or anything, but... "Hey, you alright?" a concerned and rather sleepy-looking JC smiled at me, still wrapped in a blanket. Justin was twirling his newest basketball, and Joey was busy modeling his cheap Superman action figure. "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Joey Fatone!" he cried, making the doll fly in circles around the bathroom. I listened as JC told the group's story.

"Our bus ran out of gas about a mile back. We had to get some, and we figured while we were stopped we'd stock up on some supplies... you know, just stuff we need," he grinned and looked at Lance, who was applying blush to bring out some color in his cheeks. We all laughed. "What... what's so funny?" he said, then turned back to the mirror. "So, uh... you seemed pretty surprised to see us," Chris said, "are you going to our concert tonight?" "Hell yeah!" I said, a bit too enthusiastically. Everyone laughed, except Meghan. I could read her mind. "You just swore at 'N Sync! Don't you realize that?!" I had completely forgotten about her! "Well," Justin said, "since you seem to be such a big fan, you want front row seats? I mean, you've already met us, so there's no need for backstage. But would you like to experience a concert from front row?" I fainted again.

15 mins later, tickets in hand, Meghan and I walked out of the store. "Wait!" Lance said, and came running. "Um... listen... just wanted to say bye- you know, in case we uh don't get to talk again." I smiled and kissed him on the lips- just a quick peck, but I still ended up with lipstick on. Lance blushed. "See ya." "Bye."

Later that night...

"It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you..."

Fan Art
