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I was on my way to a party with Devin (my friend) since we heard that 'N Sync was going to be there. We decided to walk on the beach to check out some guys when all of a sudden Devin screams. She's all " 'N SYNC is on the beach right over there!!" So I just said," Yea rite." To prove to her that she was wrong i dragged her over to the guys. Totally frozen i just stared at them. Devin was all " I told you so!!" She said, " Hi, i'm Devin and this is my friend, Joanne." I heard Lance whisper, " Are you ok?" So i just said "yea." I walked over to Lance and said, " What are u guys doing on the beach?" Then Justin yelled," We're hangin out." Devin hit it off great with J.C. she was so happy. Joey had fallen asleep and Chris was in the water. Lance and Justin invited me to sit down on their towels, so i did. 15 minutes later Lance ask me if i want to go in the water with him. I couldn't resist. Soon everyone was in the water except Joey who was still sleeping. It was almost 6 and the party was starting at 7:30. We all had to say our goodbyes and then Lance slipped me a note and and then he said "call me"then he kissed me on the cheek. J.C. had given Devin 2 tickets and 2 backstage passes to their next concert. A week later we met up with the guys again at their concert. Devin and I went backstage and she sat down next to J.C. I sat myself down next to Lance and smiled. Joey was wondering who we were since he was sleeping at the beach. Justin and Chris were outside signing autographs. It was 9 O' clock so Devin and I had to leave. I gave Lance my number,and Devin exchanged numbers with J.C.
We went home really happy.

By Joanne Quevedo

Fan Art
