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Sorry this is so long guys... I had so much stuff to ask, I couldn't help myself. Hope you don't mind!



What made you like them?

What is the craziest thing you have/would do to meet them?

Favorite member and why?

What makes your favorite guy different from the others?

If you could spend one day with 'N Sync, where would you go, what would you do?

Have you ever been to an 'N Sync concert?

What is/would be the highest amount you would pay for concert tickets, if seating didn't matter?

What was the last 'N Sync purchase you made?

Even though 'N Sync does not compare to BSB in any way at all, what is your view about the 2 different groups?

What sets them apart from other boy bands?

How long have you been a fan? And what made you like them in the first place? Answer this one as honestly as possible: Supposing all the guys had been ugly, (which they aren't!) would you still have been drawn to them?

What is your favorite song by 'N Sync?

Are there any songs you don't like?

Does it bother you that they're all out of high school?

If you could ask them one question, what would it be?

Which guy are you most like (personality/interest-wise)

What did you think of this page?

What could I do to improve it... do you have anything you want to see up here?

Britney Spears: star or slut?

Would you like me to add you to the Lance petition?

Your age?


