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Can You Go A Day Without 'N Sync?

This is actually the result of a bet/dare I had with my friends...

A few of my friends bet me $10 that I couldn't go one day without mentioning 'N Sync... you can probably guess I lost! Not 15 minutes went by before I said, "Hey, that guy is wearing a shirt like Lance..." Proves how much willpower I have!

Anyway, try this. You don't have to bet on it, just do it for fun and see how long you can last without mentioning eveyone's favorite guys. If you want to, e-mail me and tell me how long you lasted, make sure to put "bet" in the subject line. I'll post it if you want. Have fun and good luck!

my friend ashley bet me $40.00 that i could not go one week with out mentioning any thing about nsync i counld not even sing there songs. It was so hard my friends where all just pushing it to try to make me slip, I think like 5 minuets past after she bet me and i said "oh my god justin, he's a hottie!!" I lost the bet and ended up paying her $20.00 bucks but it was worth it it tought me to never bet on nsync cause i could never stop talking about them!!! I can't even go 2 minuets with out mensioning them.- Shannon

