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My Thank You's

I had the most amazing thing happen to me the other night. It was July 31st- and the night of my 2nd 'N Sync concert. Right before I left the house, my mom said I should make up some business cards with my website address to pass around the venue, to get a little more publicity. I thought it was a great idea, and made 75 of them. They were gone in the first hour and a half. One of the last ones I handed out was to a girl who looked to be about 10 or 11 years old. I never knew her name, just asked if she had the internet, handed her my card, thanked her and walked away. A few seconds later I felt something brush my arm, but I thought nothing of it- in a crowd of 50,000 people, who would? Then someone pulled my arm. I turned around and it was the girl I had just spoken to. She looked very excited, and asked me if I was Kaylin. I said that yes, I was, and did she need anything? With a sparkle in her eyes, she explained that she was a regular on my website- that she looked up to me and had wanted to have a website like mine for so long but just didn't know enough! She said how much everything I'd done on this site impressed her, and how much she admired me. She went on and on and all I could do was gape in amazement! We talked for a few more minutes, and then went our separate ways- but I didn't forget our conversation for the whole night, and I still haven't. I never will.

So I feel I owe it to you all to thank you. Thanks for supporting my site, for sending me all your thoughts and comments, so I can make this site the best it can possibly be. But most of all- thanks for being 'N Sync fans! Everyone knows 'N Sync fans are the best and let's keep it that way!

