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Win My Award

So, you wanna win my award? Here's what you gotta do:

-Have an 'N Sync-related site that doesn't put down other bands (BSB, for example)
-Sign my guestbook

-Link me. Here's the html for my banners, choose whichever one you want: (remember to change all ( to <)

(a href="">(img src=""align=center>(/a>(/center>

(a href="">(img src=""align=center>(/a>(/center>

I WILL be checking to make sure you put my banner up before I give out the award.
-Fill out the form below
-This isn't a requirement, but PLEASE vote for me in the 1999-2000 'N Syncer's Choice Awards. Thanks!

I'm not too picky when it comes to choosing the winners, so you'll probably get my award. If you win, I'll send you an e-mail with a URL so you can come pick up your award. Good luck!



Site Name

Site URL

Why should you win this award?

View the Awards I've Won
