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I am not an expert on cults; I have no experience with them and am only an interested observer. Hopefully this won't be too controversial for Angelfire and if your a member of a cult-like group please don't take this personally and curse me with your new religion.8^)[{
Cults are, generally, religion-oriented and have one person holding all the power. This leader tells how the cult members how to live every minute of everyday, what to eat, what to wear, and what to think and believe. They brainwash the members. Cults want the members to devote their lives to the cult; to break ties with family and friends, to quit a job, to move to a "sanctuary" and to "donate" all their money to the cult. Cults will convince their members to even commit suicide, in order to gain a higher level of consciousness.

The difference between cults and legit religions is mostly objective; organised religions do many of the same things that cults do, but in less severe ways. Cults are sort of like really intense religions. A sect of nuns or an order of monks could easily be considered a cult. But whether it's in the form of an organised, legitimate religion or a suicidal cult, I really can't agree with the whole concept of organised religions.

I think it's never good to have some one tell you how to think and what philosophy to live by. I want to think for myself, and develop my own, original thoughts on life. I don't like it when people consider themselves knowledgeable but only spew back out the thoughts that other people have shared with them. That's not a philosophy; that's having a good memory. You can quote Plato and Socrates and Ghandi or your cult leader until you spontaneously combust, but if you don't think about their thoughts and develop your own take on them you are just becoming a clone. It's great to use other peoples ideas as a starting point and for different perspectives, but think for yourself!

Cults are restricting; they tell you how to think and how to live. They don't allow you to be your own person, and make threats of commination if you try to be. So do me and yourself a favour, stay away from the cults. 8^)
