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Points for Motivation

Motivate Yourself To Achieve Anything!

Know What You Want! Have goals for yourself, meet them! Let other people know you have succeeded!

Clear Your Mind! Meditate, and focus on your training! This time is for you, don't allow any distractions!

Get Rid Of The Stress! Let every punch, kick and movement be fuelled by all that built-up stress! Use training as a release!

Focus! Do lots of one thing each time you practice! Keep your training sessions varied! Focus on what you're doing right now!

Look To Masterful People! See their hard work and training, and how it paid off! Start on your own road to mastery! Know that this is a lifelong evolution; you will be becoming a better person your entire life!

Look Inside! Tell yourself it's time to train! Be stubborn, refuse to give in to the excuses! Be proud of your inner strength and resolve!

You Will Be A Better Person When You Train!!!

The Bell Tolls---><---