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Miscellaneous Stuff
A Few Things To Remember About Making Your Homepage...

-Keep the convienence of the people reading your page in mind. If you have 20 huge images on your first page, people will lose their patience and not wait for all of those bytes to load.

-Avoid presenting too much info on one page. Divide your info into different pages. People will be overwhelmed if there is too much too read at once. Divide really long articles into a few parts.

-Keep your background simple. If it contrasts too much, people won't be able to read your page.

-Put things that you want people to look at most at the top. Hiding everything at the bottom won't help.

-Stop using stuff that's only cool the first time you see it. Construction signs, the "blink" thing, stuff like that.

-When you have a lot of pages, make sure it takes no more than 4 clicks to get from point A to point B. Use a toolbar on every page.
