Awards We Have Won! and Appreciate!

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Best of the
Globe Awards
"Hi Gwen, I am pleased to inform you that you have been chosen for the Best of the Globe Award 1998. The "Picintro Award"."
"What a neat page! It is fun to stroll around and see what is new! We have chosen your site to win our Countrylovin Award!"
"jOE and I "browsed" your site and think you've done an excellent job! And what beautiful goats! Looks like they are as spoiled as ours are! We would be honored if you would put the jOE b. cOOL aWARD on your pages..." "We are pleased to announce your site has been nominated and received this prestigious award. The Heavelution Concerts Canada "Great Gig" Web Site Excellence Award is presented to those special sites which demonstrate initiative, original design, vital functionality and which truly deserve to be recognized by their efforts to inform their fellow man."

...."I loved your page! I surf around looking for great family farm sites like yours."

Come visit Da HERD and get your own 

Hey!! Want to nominate a site for the award we give? We love to go visiting! *GRIN*

A+ Web Design
" Congratulations!!! You have won the A+ Web Design Approved award. Your site is well designed and is an interesting addition to the world wide web."
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This back ground was found at.... Graphic Station