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Come chat with us atAlpine_Chat in real time chat! You will be glad you did! Visit with top names in Alpines!

quadHey! I may be the smallest of the quads, but i am the most spirited! Jamie wants better pictures... well, summer has come and gone...they were sheared,clipped and looked gorgeous! Only a few pictures got taken :( Farm life is so busy and throw in the shows , 4-h, jobs, and school activites and you wonder how you get done what you do! *grin* We will get more pictures up .. they may have their winter "pajama's" on, but we will get some more.

We will have all the new babies to show off too! Jamie is excited about her new herd sire Captain from Pearl Valley.

I don't know about your farm, but here at ours we sometimes find the need or *desire* to have one in the house for awhile. This may come about by the need of extra attention and health care to just pure...ahhhhhh she is so cute! *GRIN* But, once they start to rule the house they must be introduced back into the barn life with the other kids.

TooneybabeTooneybabe OK ... here is that poll/quiz! (Some browsers may not recognize it and we apologize) For those who can't see it, the Question is... Which Dairy goat has long floppy ears? Email us your answer and we will figure it in to the final results. Book mark our site so that you can see the results from our Polls at the end of each month. Take our newest quiz/poll!
<bgsound src="/mi/northerndreams/images/wishstar.mid" loop=infinite>
Back ground and some graphics byGraphics Barn!