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Badlands National Park, located in southwestern South Dakota, is one the most unique parks in the country. The vast moonscapes contain centuries of history, wildlife, and adventure. The landscape is made up of sharp buttes, pinnacles, mixed grass prairie, and multi-colored sediment. Check out the wildlife information below and click on the links below to view my trip reports and pictures.

Badlands Trip Report 8/01Pictures 2001
Badlands Trip Report 4/97Pictures 1997
Badlands Trip Report 4/96Pictures 1996

Related Links
Badlands NPS Home Page
Badlands National Park

Buffalo (Bison)CommonSage Creek Wilderness
Prairie DogCommonSage Creek Wilderness
CoyoteOccasionalRarely seen, commonly heard
PronghornOccasionalSage Creek & near Visitor Center
Mule DeerOccasionalSage Creek Wilderness
Bighorn SheepRareSage Creek Cliffs
Black Footed FerretRareNear Prairie Dog Towns
RattlesnakeRareWarm surfaces

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