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Jon and I arrived in Munising in the afternoon after we had left Marquette. We checked into a hotel and then went out and saw the Munising Falls, Wagner Falls, and some hike nearby. This hike took us around a water area and pointed out animal areas but we did not see any. THe next day we drove down to Miner's Falls and Miner's Castle. The hike to the falls was only about 3/4 mile each way and the falls are impressive. Miner's Castle can be seen from an overlook and it is an impressive sight. The strange rock formation set in the blue-green water is really neat. We got back in the car and drove to the Chapel Rock trailhead.

We started the Chapel Rock hike in the early afternoon hours and the weather was somewhat overcast. We hiked to Chapel Falls first, got a few pictures and continued on. The trail was mostly level and an easy hike. We finally appeared at Lake Superior and we could see Chapel Rock. This is an interesting rock because it has a tree growing out of it. We decided to hike down to Spray Falls which was about a mile away. After a while we finally came upon Spray Falls which falls off a cliff into Lake Superior. The weather was not looking good so we backtracked the mile to Chapel Rock and started back to the car. We passed Chapel Lake, which is an interesting glacier dug lake. The water is set at least 40 feet below the edge of the cliffs, so don't plan on swimming in this lake. By now it had started to sprinkle. We finally made it back to our car and managed to change our shoes. As soon as we got in the car, the sky just dumped all of its water on us. It was raining cats and dogs and it also solved our dilemma of whether to camp that night or not.

We drove to Grand Marais on an old logging road and got a hotel room. The next morning the weather was nice so we drove to Sable Falls. This is an interesting falls that empties into Lake Superior about 100 yards from the falls. Then we drove to the log slide overlook and we finally made camp at the Hurricane River campground. Once we had set up camp we hiked the mile or so down to the Au Sable Lighthouse. This area was very pretty and we got several good pictures. On the hike back we made sure we stopped and checked out the three shipwrecks that were visable from shore. That night we watched the sunset where the Hurricane River emptied into Lake Superior. There were many stars out that night, and the waves helped to put us to sleep. The next morning we woke up and drove to Tahquamenon Falls, and then we went home. It had been a good trip with mostly good weather.