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You Promise Not to Tell?

I carry her secrets like a ticklish cough
   or some bit of food swallowed too hastily
      I choke on words that ache to be spoken
          or expelled in fist-forced catharsis

But we cannot speak of it –that’s the rule-
   So we are confined
       to black words on white pages
           and ignore their infinite shades of gray
I keep her silence

She defines herself with these unspoken words
    though she peels off the labels and separates their letters
       denying them form and speech
           afraid of consequence
           afraid of the sharp gasp of breath as they take shape
               like thick exhaled smoke
                   hanging heavy in the dead air of closed minds
           afraid they will take on weight and substance
               whose sharp edges slice
               whose rounded curves carve
         scars in triangles and rings

Secrets are weighty things
    -their heaviness bends the bones
        into fetal curves
            within the womb of silence.
But there is no growth within this womb,
     no breath of clean air
Only salinity – like living in a world of tears
   floating naked and curled

Her fears are real
   and there are sharper things than letters
       waiting in the ignorant world
So I keep her silence
    and clutch her secret in my dry palms
I carry their weight carefully
     like a full glass of water

        --Vicky Hathaway

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