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Teacher - Metaphor Poem

A teacher is a gardener,
bubbling with enthusiasm
when the new flower seeds arrive,
eager to see them sprout.
Lovingly she coaxes the tender shoots
with stimulating ingredients and a warm environment.
With utter delight,
she marvels at the speed with which the seeds
develop into hardy seedlings,
and she vows to nurture them
until they reach their full potential.
When the young plants are thriving,
she tenderly transplants them to a new place
where their beauty can be appreciated
by more than just herself.
Some may wither,
but most survive.
Strong and healthy,
they spread their roots
and claim new territory.
As the seasons ebb and flow,
the mature plants render their seeds
and the cycle begins again.
A teacher is a gardener in the cycle of life.

        --Bonnie Dodge

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