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Signs That You Are Obsessed With
Mike and Carrie
Please e-mail me if you find yourself obsessed with Mike and Carrie!

  • Your start-up page for the Internet has to do with Mike and Carrie.
  • You have more than five Mike and Carrie websites bookmarked in your favorites folder.
  • You are a webmaster/webmistress of a Mike and Carrie site.
  • You have more than forty pictures of Mike and Carrie saved on your computer, and your hard drive is busting at the seams!
  • You record Days of Our Lives every day, and watch the Mike and Carrie scenes at least twice.
  • You get really mad when Mike and Carrie aren't on.
  • You get really excited when you hear one of their songs on the car radio ("Angel Of Mine" or "How Do I Live?") and you almost swerve off the road while singing loudly!
  • Whenever you hear a love song, you think of Mike and Carrie.
  • When you see a sunset, you dream of how Mike and Carrie will end up together.
  • You buy two fish and name them Mike and Carrie, and then place a starfish and a sandcastle on the bottom of the tank.
  • Your family or your friends quit talking to you because all you ever talk about is Mike and Carrie.
  • You want Austin to fall in love with anyone (Ali or Claire or Sami or anyone!), just so Carrie can be with Mike.
  • You call/e-mail the radio station and request "Angel of Mine" or "How Do I Live?".
  • You dedicate these two songs to Mike or Carrie (hmmm...a little scary!)
  • You try to find a pattern that looks like the dress Mike surprised Carrie with in Las Vegas, and then you wear it at the next big social formal.
  • You decorate a room in your house with starfish and seashells, and then have an hourglass in the corner.
  • You have a mixed tape of all the Mike and Carrie songs (hee hee Aprilhope!)
  • You begin calling your husband/boyfriend 'Mike' or 'Roark'.
  • You put "How Do I Live?" on repeat in your CD player, and then before you know it, you have been listening to it for hours.
  • You've re-watched so many scenes of Mike and Carrie, the tapes are worn down.
  • You take a cross-country trip to L.A., stopping in all of the places Mike and Carrie stopped!
  • You write 2 or more fanfics on Mike and Carrie and how they will get together!
  • You go to see a romantic movie, and you end up thinking about Mike and Carrie during the love scenes.
  • Mike and Carrie is all you can think about.
  • You post three or more messages on a Mike and Carrie Message Board everyday!
  • You have downloaded every Mike and Carrie movie on the Internet so that you have every wonderful scene on your computer.
  • You go to Tara's site every day to see if anything has been updated (movies, pictures, etc.)
  • When a Mike and Carrie moment happens to you, you immediately think of them! Example: When you are dancing with your "beloved" under the stars, going on roadtrips, looking up at the stars, etc.
  • You dream of the sunset that Mike and Carrie have, and you stay awake at night dreaming of the wonderful moments that are going to happen!
  • You listen to a CD of Mike and Carrie songs over and over - not realizing that you have been listening to it for hours! :-)
  • You will watch every award show (the Daytime Emmy's, TV Guide Awards, Soap Opera Awards, etc.) for maybe a glimpse of a Mike and Carrie scene in the show highlights (where they recap the last year on certain shows).
  • You find yourself saying and responding with phrases Mike and Carrie have said.
  • You make a "Mr Snowman" out of ice! How cute is that!

Mike and Carrie: Together Forever