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Dreams And Hopes

The best way to make a dream come true is to wake up.

If you don't practice, you don't deserve to dream.
Dream as if you'll live forever.
Live as if you'll die today.
~ James Dean ~
All of our dreams can come true -
if we have the courage to pursue them.
~ Walt Disney ~
You're smarter than you seem,
braver than you believe,
smarter than you think.
I'd rather think of time as a companion
who goes with us on the journey and
reminds us to cherish every moment,
because they'll never come again.
~ From "Star Trek" ~
If you don't daydream and kind of plan things out in your imagination,
you'll never get there.
So you have to start someplace.
~ Robert Duvall ~
You gotta have a dream.
If you don't have a dream,
how ya gonna make a dream come true?
~ Bloody Mary, in the movie "South Pacific" ~
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed
by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do...
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
~ Mark Twain ~
Do not think - feel.
It should be like a finger pointing to the moon.
Don't concentrate on the finger
or you'll miss all of that heavenly glory.
~ From the movie, "Enter the Dragon" ~
Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.
Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.
~ Pamela Vaull Starr ~
The future belongs to those who believe in
the beauty of their dreams.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~
Imagination is like a magic carpet - it can take you anywhere.
Always put your mind in everything you do.
When in life and love, reach for the moon. 
Even if you miss you will land among the stars."
You are never given a wish without being given the power
to make it come true.
A Place Of Inspiration