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<title>My Virtual Photo Album</title>
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<h1 align="left">My Virtual Photo Album</h1>

<!--Freetext-->Hey yall'.  This is one of the neatest places to go to.  When it's warmer, it's a delight to go and walk around.  It's the largest college campus in the world being recorded at 85,000 acres.  That's a lot of land.

Just wanted to give you a few pics of aplace that's great to go and relax in Rome, GA.  Hopefully I'll get more stuff up soon.<!--EndFreetext-->


<tr><td valign="top">
<img src="Berry_1.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right">
<font size="5">Exercise/Retreat Center</font>
<!--Freetext-->They have camps here.  Looks like a European Villa.  The boys don't mind going in the water supply either... especially on hot days.<!--EndFreetext-->

<tr><td valign="top">
<img src="Berry_3.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right">
<font size="5">The trails beginning</font>
<!--Freetext-->Found this by accident.  Didn't get to the top because the gates close at 6pm no matter what... if you're in or out.  Rather than have to deal with that, I decided that me and the boys would get out by 6pm.  This is the beginning of the big trail up to the top of a mountain.<!--EndFreetext-->

<tr><td valign="top">
<img src="Berry_2.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right">
<font size="5">The trails beginning</font>
<!--Freetext--> This is the resivoir you're not supposed to go into on the trail.  I let the boys swim and cool off in it though.  They like chasing the small fish by the edge of the lake.  Could it get any better?<!--EndFreetext-->

