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PerthInfo Page


This is the information section of my site.
You know the place were I store all the extra stuff
that is going on in my art life and anything new done to the site.




Damn, it's almost been a whole year since I was here
Sorry all, but PerthWorks is TOTALLY out of space
I hope I can just save this change.
I do have a new site though, The Weight of Wings
and I'll be getting my own domain
I love you all! I guess this would be my goodbye to...



Hey everyone!
Updated my email address.
It's now
OH! and two new pictures!



Sorry this update took so long... o . o
I've been very busy, and upset about Mirth.
AND the banners that angelfire added... I know they have the right...
Oh well, I'm making a new site, Fee-Fath! Yeah!
Oh and I put three new pictures!



Mirth is gone. ::sniff:: OH well, start again, next year.... or whenever I have time.
'Till than, I'll keep updating page three, but when that runs out space...
I just don't know...
ANYWAY...three new pictures on page three,
and a new title picture. Oh and college is GREAT!



I've had my new site up about a month.
Sorry for not telling anyone.
I also leave for college in ::thinks for a sec:: five days.
And I ran out of paper that's why there have been no new color pics.
And none of work is CG people! It's marker and water color.
'sept the Ryo-oki;Fifth element one,
the back ground I used a black paint bucket effect.
^ - ^
Oh! I will add a how I come up with stuff section
and a character section in Mirth.
That I promise.



Hello again.
Two things of interest.
1 I was invited and am now part of a site calledArdeon.
Which is an extreamly cool thing.
2 I'm making a second site. Smaller pictures. More text... ~ . ^



Three new pictures
They may have distroyed a key part of the images on my computer
Maybe Dave can fix it...Oo
Anyway, enjoy!
More to come!



As I predicted, my poor computer crashed. ::Sniff::
So all the pictures I had to give you guys are gone.
I've sold two of my pictures to my friend Keith
(who NEEDS to EMAIL me! : P
Thank you Keith! ^ - ^
'Sides that I might open the Yknit site,
I've gotten the grad total of (Drum roll please)
THREE whole emails asking for Ykints...
and the damnable site keeps getting hits! oO
Scary really.



Hi hi!
Four new pictures... if everything works out.
I'm off to put them up right now!
Oh and yours truely is going to graduate with honors!
Don't ask me how that happened... o . O
Since all I do is draw all class long.



Okay, My computer is about to have a heart attack...
I will probably loss everything, like last time.
Including all emails, pictures, stories and other important things to me.
There is no way I can save it all to disk.
I'm just telling you incase there was anything
I said I'd draw or find, or talk to you about.
Could you just resend anything...thanks!



Two new links.
And I'm going to be starting some short illustrated stories...
don't know if I'll have the space to put them up though... o . O
Oh well...



One new picture.
And I redid the picture on the Main page, now it's much cooler!



Lots of new pictures! Go look, page THree!!



Three new pictures that made it home on disk.
The others were.. black swirly.
::shrug:: I have the worst luck.
OH! Had to add a third page. This one may last longer... ~ . ^



Three new pictures. ^ - ^
There was a forth...
but the file seems now to be a dark black and green pattern
Where a red face used to be.
So now there are only three.



Hey! Perth viewers!
Six's new pictures up on page Two!
Check 'um out and feel free to ask about the stuff for sale!



Oh well... I guess my counter lies to me..
Anyway. I'm planning to sell some of my art work.
There will also be buttons, shirts and key chains made.
If you have any intrest in this!
I should have the prices soon.
This is going to help me get though please help...



There, your slacker Webmaster (or whatever)
has put up some NEW work!!
Here. Write to me people!
I've heard nothing in months...



Sorry it's been so long since an update.
I've been drawing, but I'm out of space! Completely.
I've shut down the Yknit site for space for my new pictures.
You know I knew this would happen..
I'd get a scanner and then I'd run out of space.



Hmm.. where should I start...
No scanner, new drawings, planning a new page.
Friend making me a page in his new domain.
My new page will be called SoulWater(if I get it approved),
it will have new pictures and stories,
not all realating to Perth.
I'm sick and behind in my Yknit drawings.
Almost out of space on this page.
Yknit site got approved!! Go vote for it!
And hey while your there sign up to adopt one!
I'm getting to them... really!!
Four new pictures! Enjoy!



Well they took the scanner... ^ - ^
Okay, I took down all the pictures that might
not be good for kids, 'cause I want to be in the site fights
If you really want to see the three of them.
I'll send you the URL where I left them.
I added one new picture and Jef,
I adopted him as the PerthWorks Yknit! He's on the Main page.



As sad news, the scanner isn't coming... it's a long story...
just don't shop at Office Max online for scanners, K.
Right, well, that over, we get into happy things, like...
The Yknit section of PerthWorks has won an award!
And there's one new picture up!



Hey! My scanner isn't here yet.. >: (
So I'm going to add links to really good sites who's banners
have been sitting in my folder for far too long.



Tommy gave me a wonderful Valentines Day Present!
Go see it in the GiftArt and Extra section...
I also added some animated gifs to the first page.
I love those things dearly, they came from one of my favorite sites:
KarmaStorm (see links)



Dave, the lovelet, ordered me a scanner for Valentines Day!
I also placed my ListBot on the GuestBook page.
So if you care enough you can recive the news
when I update this site, with lots of new stuff! ^ _ ^



Hey! I'm back, well, rather I have scans and a whole new site.
Adopt-An-Yknit! I know, I know, it's silly, but I think it's fun.
::Smile:: Besides more people have gone there then my art page!
Oh, theres a whole new main page.
And one new picture.



I added a link to the Offical Finitribe site.
God I love their music!
Go to the Zelda's Site, the Z-Chick section is my favorite.
Go, find out why!
I also added a link to Monster Kitty's site.
She's very cool and very good.



I put up a link to my friend Val's site
Check out her banner... I need to get on of them.
Speaking of which I made a banner,
two really, you can find them all under Gift/Links/Extra!



I added myself to a new WebRing...
Go and see!
I also put up a link to Zelda's Shrine. (See GiftArt/Links)
The owner is a friend of mine and if you look under Z-Chicks,
you'll that eden needs to draw more characters for him!



Two new pictures.
Gifts for Tommy and Mush!



I put up the picture I did for MAA (see links).



New picture! More to come, but have to go to school now.



Usagi's put up one of my banners on the MKR cel page!
So go and see it...
Also I scanned in the colored version of the cat girl on
the guestbook page (replacing the inked one)
and added one new picture in the art section.
I also put up my giftart section, you know stuff from friends.



I put up the guestbook I had gotten a while back
since 200 people somehow found this little site.
And I know it might not be much to some...
but this is my site we're talking about!



I got accepted one of the three colleges I applied to
(the other two have part twos that I need to send back in).
I'm soo happy, so lets have a cheer for me.







Last updated 11/7/99