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Perth Works: Anime Art



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Newest at the top.


Hey! Now there's three pictures. I was hopeing to make a site on FurNation like Tommy, called SoulWater. But the guy never got back to me. :*
This is suppose to be Relm from Final Fantasy III, or IV, whatever you want to call it, only fuzzy'ed!
This is suppose to be Gau, FFIII, it wasn't much of a step for him to be fuzzy'd. I was going to be what I'd do in part for SoulWater.
Cute gift for Tommy. Hmm.. get should get more sleep she thinks.
Look! An evil Puppeta! Tommy said he drew some so I had to try my hand at it... looks evil.. I'd have to go with evil...
If anyone has gone to the Yknit site, this is the second picture of me there is up on PerthWorks. (or me in anime anyway, no my eyes aren't that big...)
This is a quick gift picture I did for Val. I love it... I left it notes and extra and all. I liked it more that way.
This is a gift for tommy. When I have more time I'll place gift art I've done for other people on an another page. He hasn't seen it yet ; )
This is my gift of Musashi. I figured I hadn't drawn a guy in... oh a long time So here he is Mush along with a gold furry girl. Thank you so much!
I did this picture for MAA (see links) See she's Ryo-ohki in space.. oh have you ever seen the 5th element? Well.. that's what I was going for.
This is a picture I did for Valentine Anne Chen, KISA Hunter, as a note, this is the first drawing I've done with an attempt at a real gun.
Well, my grey marker is dead, lets have a moment of silence, it lasted a good 3 years. Well, I guess it's off to spend... oh wait, I'm still broke...
Hmm.. what to say about this one... it's part of my new sketch book work and now thanks to Meg I'm looking a catalogs for ideas... anyone want the price on the dress?
Well than, another fuzzy one you say? Yes well... Quiet! I doing things without fur... I've just... well, haven't drawn them yet. But I'll get to it... really!
Cross your fingers friends, I'm applying to college for art. It's the first picture in a comic Meg and I have been working on for about... don't ask...
I'm working on my portfolio for college, this is just one of the newest parts. This is Aqum, Orbit and Strawberry, in that order.
Happy Holidays! I know it's a little late..but hey! All the elementals are there. Besides it's still snowing here!
This is a character from the Zelda64 game, I loved the design of the Zora. I did this for my friends site.
I'd forgotten about her. And it's only taken me an hour of disk searching to find her again!...
Well, I figured that you could see one of the things of done with my drawings. This is a demo cover for my friends band the Catfish.
I love this character! I rarely do other's characters, I can never do them quite right.
One of my favorite pictures, but don't think my markers are up for another one. Though I might be willing to paint one...
Don't ask me, I just draw them! But I liked the simple design on her shirt. The yellow skin raised a couple eye brows...
I really liked this drawing... too bad no one else seemed to. : ( Does anyone like anime out there?
This is Tommy's favorite picture that I've done. It seems whenever I show my portfolio to people this is their favorite too.
I drew this for Usagi's House cels! Go there! They have great stuff! Heather loved it!
This was one of my first drawings. Up to that time I had given them all this is the oldest finished drawing I have.



Please, if you have any thoughts on my art work
Tell me!!












All images are copyrighted by Perth Works or their owners:
Don't take them... just ask before you save and run!
Last updated 2/2/99