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kirs10's little addition to the world wide web

the page last updated may 1, 1999.

The Exposed Nest

making the web a better place for you and me
hey all. i'm real sorry about the total lack of update. i at least updated the sotm page, but let me explain the delay. my uncle that lives in another state died of brain cancer on good friday. the wake and funeral couldn't be held until tuesday and wednesday on the next week, so i didn't get back until thursday. then my little sister got my mom upset with personal problems (that i'd get in trouble for sharing with you all) and took away both of our "internet privaleges". but i asked my mom politely and i can be on for a little while now. i really am trying real hard for a unique new layout; i just haven't had a breakthrough. any zany hints you may like to toss my way? email me. my address is in case you can't send with that link. so i'll try to get back to you as soon as possible, ok?
peace, sugar, and raspberry jelly,

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amuse-o-matic (copyrighted to stories

this, my friends, is mikhail gorbachev, slightly edited, of course. i had to research him for history. i'd have to say that he is one of the most boring people that ever lived. i flat out hate him.