Would you like an anatomically correct balloon animal?

Welcome to my banner page. If you include my banner on your page, I'll add yours here. If you like my page, just add my banner anyway. It's easy. Just ask me for the code if you don't know how.

This could be a useful site if travel is your thing. Judging from the people that visit my page, porn is more likely your thing though. heh That, or stalking. Probably both. But if you're planning that long awaited trip to Upper Volta or Lichtenstein, check out Gates 96 first.

(Site no longer exists.)


This guy is a little (a little?) unstable, but he's really a great guy, so you should sign his guestbook and/or leave a message on his message board!


You can run, but you can't hide!

Do you really want to suffer through that again?

Same as above, only twice as fun!

Beware of cheese monkeys.

The notorious message board

The people here just ain't right.

If you enjoy my page or message board, feel free to promote them on your page by adding a banner to your page and linking it appropriately.

This is Dr. Mike's "Two-Bit Award Page". Dr. Mike lives in Alaska. It gets mighty cold in Alaska. It gets mighty lonely in Alaska. Why don't you visit Dr. Mike's site. He could use the traffic. The grizzlies look more and more attractive every day. Dr. Mike?

Is one bit 12 1/2 cents?

(Site no longer exists.)

Amanda is the patron saint of hippos, I think. She rescued one from my barbeque spit. He didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave though. That could have been because he was dead. I'm kidding! All you animal rights wackos can go hug a porcupine or something. Go visit Amanda's site. She did a terrific job on it.

Warning! Hippo Crossing!

(Site no longer exists.)

The Mazyboltons are the poster children for the abolishment of imbreeding. The Dear Papi column is a bastion of last resorts when one is in search of advice. You can submit a question of your own or just laugh at the fools who have. I won't tell which submissions are mine!

Would you take advice from someone who looks like this?

No, OzWitch is not a German concentration camp, she's the brains behind this site which made me feel like I entered a time warp into the past. I often feel that way though. You may learn something here, or you can just enjoy her artwork and poetry. Or do like I did and just get spellbound by all the pretty colours...

Beware of low flying dragons. Could be trouble if they fly up your butt...

(Site no longer exists.)

The banner let's us know what Chris' favourite pastime is..his website. What were you thinking? OH MY! Get out of the gutter. THAT is his SECOND favourite pastime. heh I'm sure I lost your attention now too, so stop by his site and see what all the fuss is about.


Cigal (aka Christa) is a Swiss miss who offers you art, not cocoa on her site. I'm talking art other than the Garfunkel variety. She's very talented in a variety of artwork forms. You can even use some of her work as greeting cards. I think she's pretty talented so yodel on into her site.

Public Enemas? What better way to humiliate someone? It sure can be embarrassing, especially when you thought the curtains were closed and the neighbour you're fighting with has a video camera and the names and addresses of all your friends and family. *sigh* But I digress. Public Enemas is a forum run by Chava where no mercy is spared in fleecing those who deserve it most. It's an entertained place frequented by several opinionated characters. Feel free to join in!

Spread your cheeks and enter!


Click here to see Kooky Kaptions. Just when you thought I couldn't get any more crass...

We all know e-mail can be a pain. I have a solution if you just don't have the time. You've heard of prefabricated housing, but now there's RICK'S PREFABRICATED E-MAIL.

Click here and have me write your e-mail for you!

I've created a page on which to unleash crazy things that pop into my head. I call it Psycho Babbling. I plan to add to it over time as future madness strikes. So please click on the link below.

Psycho Babbling

I've come up with my very own get rich scheme. Doesn't everyone have one? Buying lottery tickets just isn't panning out. So please click on the link below.

Click here to see my plea to stupid people

I came up my own tv spoilers for unaired episodes (episodes that should have been). Click on the link to see something I like to call TV MISGUIDED

Regis and Kelly agreed to interview me, asking an assortment of questions pulled from those pesky e-mail surveys that you're probably familiar with.

Click here to see a transcript of my appearance on Live With Regis and Kelly

I'm a sports fan and I've created a page where I have some fun with the names of athletes, and poked fun at some athletes themselves. I don't think you have to even like sports to get enjoyment out of the results.

Click here to see me Goofing On Sports

Click your heels three times and say, 'For the love of God, don't take me back there again!'


Please don't feed the 'animals'.Click on the door to go to "Rick's Padded Cell" (about me page)


Scatter-brained Thoughts


Click here to go to my awards page


Click here to win my award.


Click here to see who has won my award.


Click here to play some games


Click here to go to my links page


Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Click the banner to jump to my message board

View all current and past guestbook entries in one place (minus the broken links and images!) by clicking on the image directly above.

Add your name to my mailing list if you'd like to be notified when I add something to my page. Mailings will be infrequent because I'm to lazy to be too creative.

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The song you would be hearing if I didn't remove my midi files is "Bad Moon Rising" by CCR. This is the lesser heard version by the organist at my church.
