You'd be best advised to bookmark this page: Click Here to Add to Bookmarks or the first page of my site: Click Here to Add to Bookmarks before you start exploring the links or you'll never find your way back. I've assembled a good variety of links in a number of different categories. To get to a specific category, just click on the link in the menu. If you'd like to suggest a link that you think I'd like to add, please e-mail it to me.

Click here to e-mail Me! I'll be updating this site over time. (Links last added: September 6, 2007)

The Links:


Computer and Internet, Applications and Download Sites
Homepages, Forums and Web Design
Music and MP3s
Search Engines
Anti-Virus protection and internet security
On-line Dictionaries, translators, encyclopedias and other tools
Movies and Television
Time Wasters and Silly Stuff
Free Stuff
Cool Links
Games and Contests

Computer and Internet, Applications and Download Sites

PCWorld (first rate computer technology advice, reviews, etc.)
CNET (an indispensable source of knowledge about computers, the Internet and technology. It includes product reviews, downloads and much more.)
ZDNet (News and reviews of tech products)
AnandTech (hardware analysis and news)
WinPlanet (download internet software applications)
Tucows (Search for and download software.)
Jumbo (free and shareware downloads)
WinZip (an application that unzips zip files)
Download Accelerator Plus (this application speeds up downloads-even on high speed connections)
Adobe Acrobat Reader(free software that lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files)
MailWasher (this application lets you screen, preview, bounce back and delete e-mail before downloading-it helps detect possible viruses and cut back on spam)
Pop-Up Stopper (this application eliminates those annoying browser pop-ups)
Incredimail (nifty e-mail software with a wide array of backgrounds and notifiers)
Eudora (free e-mail software)
Hotmail (get your own private e-mail address)
Broadband DSL Reports (test your high speed internet connection and find out if you can tweak anything to make it even faster)
Gibson Research (test for security vulnerabilities on your pc and find out how to make your system more secure) (Only Mac users don’t need help with Windows!)
Pay Pal (A way to send and receive money on-line.)
Mozilla (a browser alternative to the much maligned Internet Explorer)

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Homepages, Forums and Web Design

Angelfire Home Pages (it’s easy for even beginners to build homepages here)
Geocities (build a homepage courtesy of the Yahoo empire)
Tripod (another site that makes building homepages simple)
htmlGEAR (free polls, guestbooks, and more)
Bravenet (build your own site or use a variety of their add-ons to enhance websites)
Webmonkey (The web developer’s resource)
HTML-An Interactive Tutorial For Beginners
HTML Goodies
Funky Chickens Html Help
Lissa Explains It All (html for kids and beginners)
Flaming Text (free generator of webpage graphics and animations)
Webstat (tracks the number of unique visitors to your site, what countries they’re from and which pages are being viewed)
Extreme Tracking (tracks stats for number of visitors to your site, which link they clicked on to find it, etc.)
Global Guest (guestbooks) (a how-to library on design, programming and scripting, etc.)
World Wide Web Consortium (site building info straight from the people who set the guidelines for the web) (gifs and jpeg images)
Web Page Design For Designers (type, colour and other design hints)
Virtual Avenue (Free domain hosting) (search for domain name availability)
MySpace(a popular global on-line community)
VoyForums (free message boards)
ActiveBoard (free message boards) (the definitive javascript resource)
LiveJournal (get your very own blog)
tBlog (get your very own blog)
Blogger (create a blog, customize it, then it can be hosted for free courtesy of Blog*spot) (another weblog host) (create an online diary)

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Music and MP3s

Bearshare (uses the Gnutella network to share files including MP3s)
LimeWire (uses the Gnutella network)
Morpheus (similar to Kazaa)
Gnucleus (uses the Gnutella network)
Phex (uses the Gnutella network)
Shareaza (uses the Gnutella network)
Swapper (uses the Gnutella network)
Napster (play and download songs for free/option to purchase)
iTunes (purchase music for your iPod)
Billboard (charts and music news)
Rolling Stone
Spin Magazine On-line
Winamp (mp3 player)
Live365 (listen to thousands of radio stations on-line) (listen to programmed stations, create your own, and watch music videos)
Gracenote (charts, artist catalogues, etc.)
BMG Music (order CDs from this music club on-line giant)

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Search Engines

Yahoo (also provides news, chat, instant messaging, e-mail, games and more)

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Anti-Virus protection and internet security

F-secure : Security Information Center (check here for computer virus hoaxes)
CA Virus Information Center
McAfee (one of the leaders in anti-virus protection)
Network Associates (contains virus alerts, McAfee virus library, etc)
Symantec (home of Norton Anti-virus…my preferred pc protection)
Zone Alarm (free firewall protection, plus top notch A/V-firewall software for purchase)
SpyWare Nuker (application that removes spyware from your pc)
Ad-Aware (application that removes spyware from your pc)
Spybot Search and Destroy (application that removes spyware from your pc)
Spyware Doctor (application that removes spyware from your pc)
Vmyths (Learn about computer virus myths, hoaxes, urban legends, hysteria, and the implications if you believe in them. You can also search a list of computer virus hoaxes & virus hysteria from A to Z.)

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On-line Dictionaries, translators, encyclopedias and other tools

Wikipedia (excellent free encyclopedia) (on-line dictionary) (Search the Random House Collegiate Dictionary. Special features for word mavens, like crossword puzzles, are available)
Merriam-Webster Online (Merriam-Webster Language Center provides a dictionary, thesaurus and variety of word games and products.)
Voycabulary (combination dictionary, thesaurus, translator after you type in a url) (Index of 400 online dictionaries covers more than 130 languages, from Afrikaans to Yiddish. Includes specialized dictionaries and thesauruses.) (A great resource that has search engines, dictionaries, news, and many other resources.)
iTools (Quick access to the best Internet tools)
3D Computer Dictionary (explains computer terminology)
Urban Dictionary (a slang dictionary with user submitted entries)
Altavista Translations (translate text from English to other languages and vice versa)
FreeTranslation (translate text from English to other languages and vice versa-includes feature to type in urls to translate entire web pages)
Internet Anagram Server
WriteExpress On-line Rhyming Dictionary
HotDiary (alerts you to appointments and allows you to maintain calendars)
Yahoo calendar (maintain a calendar with a free Yahoo account, and be reminded of important dates and appointments)

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ABC News
Canoe (a Canadian news site)
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
CBS News
CTV News
FOX News
USA Today
1st Headlines (top breaking stories from various news sources around the world) (access to over 5000 papers worldwide) (access thousands of world newspapers)
Project Censored (claims to reveal what the media won't)
Drudge Report (news from the source whose claim to fame is breaking the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal)
Infobeat (have news, sports, entertainment, etc. delivered via e-mail)
Naked News (watch the news and get off at the same time-take the free tour, does anyone really pay for this?)

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CBS Sports Line
CTV Sportsnet
Federation Internationale de Football Association (soccer's official homepage) (college hoops and March Madness coverage)
FOX Sports (the official website of the major league baseball) (the official website of the National Basketball Association) (the official website of the National Football League) (purchase premium NFL tickets here) (the official website of the National Hockey League)
The Hockey News (the magazines website)
Faceoff (a hockey website with coverage of pro, minor league, junior and European leagues)
Slam Sports (a sports information site)
Sports Illustrated (home of a Canadian sports station)
TSN (home of a Canadian sports station) (the official website of the PGA) (the official website of the LPGA) (the official website of the ATP) (the official website of NASCAR) (the official website of Formula One racing)
CART (the official website of CART)
Indy Racing Online (the official website of the IRL) (a sports satire site)
Watch Soccer (Instant access live football games, watch premiership matches online)
Football Streaming Live (provides people with news, fixtures, and results for all events of football played worldwide)

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Movies and Television

The Internet Movie Database (look up movies, actors filmographies, etc.) (source for movies, showtimes, reviews, etc.) (home of the Academy Awards) (upcoming movies, trailers, etc.)
Movie Poop Shoot (movie news, columns, pop culture)
The Trailer Park (movie trailers)
Movie-List (movie trailers) (for film and tv news) (find out what you should see and rent, read reviews including ones from Ebert and Roeper)
Rotten Tomatoes (movie reviews)
Ain't It Cool News (movie news, rumours and gossip)
Zap2it (tv and movie news and listings)
TeeVee (television critique)
TV Guide
All Your TV (a guide to all things tv)
The Razzies (celebrating the worst in movies)
Jump The Shark (this site captures the moment when good tv shows went bad, such as when Fonzie jumped over the shark on Happy Days)

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Mayo Clinic (reliable health information from a reputable source)
InteliHealth (features Harvard Medical School's consumer health information) (a reputable Canadian site)
Personal MD (health information)
KidsHealth (a health site specializing in children's health-has sections for parents, children and teens)
River's Bend Herbs (My friend Candy is a Holistic Health Practioner and she runs this site that sells herbal remedies if it's alternative medicine you're interested in)

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Trillian (Chat with all your friends on mIRC, AIM, ICQ, MSN, and Yahoo Messenger using one program.)
MSN Messenger (Microsoft's instant messenger)
ICQ (this instant messenger started the craze)
mIRC (internet relay chat)
AOL IM (America On-line's instant messenger)
Yahoo chat (a chat community)
ICQ chatrooms (a chat community)
MSN chat (a chat community)
Talk City (a chat and discussion community)
Spinchat (a chat community) (3-D chat)
Lycos chat (a chat community)
ChatWeb (a chat community)

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Travel (travelogues and advice-by travelers for travelers)
Robert Young Pelton's Come Back Alive (learn how to avoid becoming fodder for fiends in countries you plan to visit)
Fodor's Travel Online (customize your guide to select travel destinations)
Expedia (do it yourself trip planning)
Cruise Direct (book your own cruise)
Specialty Travel (for adventure and special interest travel)
Where In The World (travel adventures and events you never knew existed)
iExplore (matches an adventure vacation for you, has experts to answer questions)
City Search (listings for restaurants, night life, etc. for many destinations worldwide)
Travlang (provides useful expressions in many languages for travelers)
GlobeXplorer (type in an address and view a satellite photo of U.S. and various other destinations)
Key West Travel Guide (Key West Travel Guide provides a wealth of information with personal recommendations for tours, boat trips, attractions, and restaurants to make your Key West vacation the best it can be.)

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1st In Flowers
Virtual Flowers

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Beatgreets (send free electronic postcards complete with music from popular artists)
Bowcreek Postcards (send free electronic postcards)
Pulp Fiction Postcards (send postcards of vintage pulp fiction and vintage paperback book covers)
Phillips 1-800-FLORALS (send free virtual flowers)
A Free Greeting Card
Art Shop Free Digital Postcard
Airborne Greetings (animated postcards featuring airplanes)
AngelEyes Card Shoppe
Ass Grams (yes, they're exactly what you think)
Be Mine Cards
Castle Mountains Postcards
Pacific Products Gallery Free Electronic Postcards
Disney’s D-Cards
E-Cards On-line Gifts and Greeting Cards
Red Tree Studios (free greeting e-cards)
With Love Electronic Postcards
Garfield On-line (the cartoon cat offers free postcards)
123 Greetings
iCard Center
Lovingly Yours Greeting Cards
Virtual Pizza Delivery Center
Mail A Meal Gourmet Postcards (nothing says love like a virtual burrito)
All Yours Greeting Cards
Virtual Greetings (from Sympatico)
TheFreeSitedotcom Free Digital Postcards (annoy your future ex-friends by throwing virtual food at them) (not as good as the real thing, but it's the thought that counts)
Toonogram Cartoon Postcards
Virtual Beer (send a not so cold one to your alcoholic friends)
Virtual Flowers
Message Mates (these are pretty cool)

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Time Wasters and Silly Stuff (jokes and more jokes)
Dumb Laws (strange, but true laws)
Do you know your arse from your elbow? (take this test to find out)
Hypokonder Memory (a bizarre and grotesque memory game)
MadBlast (silly animations, games, pop culture news, jokes, more)
New Improved Magic Cyber Camera (a truly remarkable innovation)
The Useless Pages (discover useless web pages) (the scoop on poop-no one can say you don't know shit after reading this page)
Cat Scan (cats love having their faces shoved in scan ners, really they do!)
Newfoundland Joke Database (see why Canadians love Newfie jokes)
Twisted Sextrology (astrology with a sexual twist)
Mahir's homepage (this simple page led Mahir to fame and a cult following)
I Kiss You! (a tribute to Mahir)
April Fools R Us (read about various hoaxes and April Fools pranks)
Laugh Out Loud Fun (silly pages and animations, plus links to other fun sites)
Pseudo Dictionary (a dictionary for words you won't find in dictionaries)
Disturbing Search Requests (see some of the weird things people have used search engines for)
The Word Spy (devoted to recently coined words, existing words that have enjoyed a recent renaissance, and older words that are being used in new ways)
Hatchoo! (a parody of Yahoo!)
Dribble Glass (funny pictures, jokes, trivia, etc.)
BuzzWhack (a site dedicated to demystifying buzz words)
The Dialectizer (convert English text or web pages to any of several comic dialects)
The T'inator (convert English web pages to Mr. T-speak, fool)
WWBD? Betty Bowers Profound Christian Advice (Betty's guidance is probably the only thing standing between her readers and the sulfurous pits of an everlasting Hell)
The Realm Of Niftyness (an offbeat page) (original animated entertainment from top writers and animators) (funny animated cartoons)

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Free Stuff (free stuff, links to other sites where you can get free stuff)
Links to free stuff and contests

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Cool Links

Happy Woman (a satirical take on women's magazines)
The AFU & Urban Legends Archive (a database that debunks a lot of the fish tales making the rounds)
The Darwin Awards (hilarious accounts of foolish people unwittingly causing their own deaths)
The Smoking Gun (view documents, mug shots, etc. and get the inside scoop on crimes of interest) (test your mystery solving skills)
The Straight Dope (answers questions the world is dying to know the answer to)
Mr. Smarty Pants Knows (Fact finder) (Urban Legends Reference Page)
Customers Suck (where employees complain about stupid customers) (where consumers complain about stupid companies and employees) (where American and Canadian students rate and comment on their teachers)
Rate My Professors (same as above, only for post-secondary education)
The Onion (Satire at its finest)
The Daily Probe (satire)
Satire Wire (another satire site)
Modern Humorist (humour and satire magazine) (an on-line humour magazine)
SparkNotes (study guides-a great learning resource for a wide range of topics, it also contains some complete classic novels)
The World Fact Book (facts about countries about geography, people, economies, etc. gathered by the CIA)
The Shadowlands:Ghosts and Hauntings (chronicles allegedly true ghost experiences)
The Hunger Site (Donate free food to the hungry, fund free mammograms, help a child, save the rainforest, and feed abused or abandoned animals DAILT with just a few clicks of the mouse. This is my start-up page.)
The Phobia List (check it out-unless of course you have a fear of clicking on links)
Smeg-The magazine (there's some amusing stuff here) (an on-line humour magazine)
Queendom (psychological tests and mind games)
News of the Weird (strange but true news)
Weird Links (as advertised) (this site scours the web for fascinating and strange content)

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All Recipes (oodles of easily printable recipes) (the world's largest recipe collection from Gourmet and Bon Appetit magazines)
Top Secret Recipes on the Web (releases recipes to allow you to make things similar to various brand name products)
RecipeSource (searchable on-line archive of recipes) (you've tried it in the restaurant, now make it at home)
Free Gourmet Recipes (also has a wide assortment of healthy recipes)
Food Network (has an archive of 23,000 recipes)
iChef (thousands of free recipes)
Back Of The Box Recipes) (hundreds of recipes provided on the backs of brand name products)
CooksRecipes recipes for every cook) (the recipe website for everyday cooks) (recipes from all around the world)
Low Fat Recipes (Guess what this site offers?) (this one's for the cow huggers) (recipes, cooking and meal planning)

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Games and Contests

Online Poker Games Guru (It is not about winning a poker game, but its about the concept behind winning the poker games)
Webstakes (instant win games and sweepstakes-I haven't entered here in years, but when I used to, I actually won a couple prizes)
Cat Bowling (bowling, but instead of pins, you knock over cats)
Trivia World (play trivia, win prizes)
Celebrity Shoot (help select celebs find there homes, or send them to one of the others to see the results)
Udder Insanity (milk cows before they explode)
Uproar (play games, win prizes)
Gamesville (Casino, card, word and board games)
Boxerjam (games, puzzles, "game shows")
Comedy Central games page (games courtesy of the cable network) (gaming giant Electronic Arts offers some free on-line games)
Useless Games Gallery (they're games and they're useless)
The Sporting News Fantasy Games (fantasy games for sports enthusiasts)
Yahoo games (a great selection, you can play against others on-line)
Free Games Net (download a wide variety to your pc)
World Of Free Games (download a wide variety to your pc)
Pogo (play against others, win prizes)
Free Games (lots of downloadable games)
Play Free On-line Games (only multi-player games)
gameworldX (free on-line games)
Computer Games On-line (play your favourite Gameboy games and others on-line) (play from a selection of Java and Shockwave games)
MSN games (play for free from the Microsoft Network) (free downloadable games)
Download Free Games (many different types) (arcade games)
freefungames (over 100 java games)
freeloader (play free games, download others) (register and play a variety of games) (register and play a variety of games) (games from Sony)
Playonlinefreegames (has a variety of games)
Free games from (java applet games)
Free Web Games (shockwave games)
Free Games and Free Game Downloads (fill out a short form and then play away)
Free Board Games (a good selection ready for download)
Arcade Outpost (a good variety of games) (games and fantasy sports) (games including quite a few sports ones) (download from a wide selection)
Smilie Games (lots of fun games) (play free games)
PopCap Games (java based games)
Coffe Break Arcade (many different types)
HughesClan (action, adventure and strategy games)
GameSpy Arcade (choose from over 400 multi-player games)
GameHouse (a good selection of free games) (free flash games...includes some you can add to your website)

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My Website Menu:

Rick's Psycho Ward
Rick's Padded Cell
Prefabricated E-mail
Kooky Kaptions!
Favourite captions
Psycho Babbling
Scatter-brained Thoughts
My Plea To Stupid People
Rick Live With Regis and Kelly
Goofing On Sports
Click here to see my awards page
Click here to win my award
Click here to see who has won my award
Click here to see my banners page

Click here to e-mail Me!

Click me!

Click on the banner to go to my message board

View all current and past guestbook entries in one place (minus the broken links and images!) by clicking on the image directly above.

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