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the sun that decreased

The Sun that Decreased
Once again, I was left in the middle of nowhere with only my wit and charm to get me somewhere with in the distance close to home. I was just standing on the roadside, with my hair blowing roughly with the caked wind brushing across my face, a feeling of tiredness seeping over my lifeform.

After a few mintues, not too far in the distance, I saw a cat, slowly dying. Perhaps it was from thirst; I don’t know exactly. It could be mostly anything since this was, after all, the sahara desert. When I saw that, I felt a tear slowly fall down my bronzed cheek, feeling like a loner and knowing the cat was mostly feeling depressed. It kept on trying to struggle up to it’s original height, but seemed to come crashing down, with a pitiful sigh, giving up.

I watched as it slowly stopped breathing. After that, I was aware that the sun had set so intensely that I knew I had to rely on my keen sence of smell and ear shattering sence of hearing to survive these diffiult times. All alone, I was.

I felt as though the wind could easily carry me throughout the desert towards a freedom so great, it was almost inexistant. It was as if I were a eagle soaring over the mountains only to find a decayed nother of the same kind. It was though I had become a whole nother being; I had become my worst own nightmare of a brother.

Every time I looked out into the world of reality I felt as though some parts of me were not really there. Like, I had become a ghost watching my own life pass by me as though I weren’t ever born. It was a sereal concept, yet I knew I had not lost my own soul, for it was just being a human in the natural world of love, not hate...


One of my Most Favorite Songs now is...
