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Five by Five...

*Artistic Dreamer's World*
~Introlize Your Soul~ ~Radiant Spirited Stories of Mine~ ~Ultra Kewl Poetry~

1. Injury Occurs Only in the Mind...

2. An Earless World, What A Dream...

3. Time is our Friend...

4. Go Rock your world with Power,

Refusing to conform to someone else’s standards...

5. Bizarre Behavior does Not mean Bad...

6. A polygrip of life is a handle on the faucet of dreams...

7. Just one more time I think I’ll drive on home tonight

8. Don't dwindle in the face of danger

9. knock the doors down

of those who think their presence
are the only ones worthy-

10. Lemons in Paradise were Talking up A Storm...


Haunting Morality is no Longer an Option...
We must Fight for the Light to See it THrough...

12. They’re not assassins...

13. Oh boy… Bagel Hockey! ...


15. What, did you think that when I woke up, we'd go for tea?

16. Rain falls down… My Life’s Unended

17. {Why Did it have to Spiders? Why couldn't it have been Follow the Butterflies?}


Nevaeh ...


We are Love...


~*Are Hanson Still Together?*~

21. Wrong is the wind of doubt…

22. I didn’t know that you were so cold


Soft whispering eyes gazed into me.
my grown thoughts were purged from the past.
yellow mingled with the red dew of the future-
slanted i was in the cave of my own lacking-
polygrips of the shadows found me out-
never to come back, I left behind my soul.


There always is a time for renewal- the rebirthing of our long lost sisterhood...

25. Spirals Ended – Shadows Begun…

26. What did that sign say?
It said Don't or Death on it...

27. Smile. Look at me. Caliqula.

28. Truly Outrageous!

29. I've been driving for an hour, just Talking to the rain...

30. Hate some ways, but love others, says Taylor

31. *~Dream Away into Oblivition, Fade Sorrows Deep into the Night~*


Striking a chord, you don’t have to loose your voice.
You raise consciousness when you speak-
When you Stand tall, You become a warrior.
Don’t cave in-
Don’t let others think for you-
Illusions of society can die now.
You Are Safe. You are of the Light

33. I told you I had things to do...


Morning smiles like the face of an unborn child...

35. The sun seemed to be invisible to the rolling thunderous rough thunderlike purpled gray clouds....

36. Being a rebel is like laughing at the things that are “supposed” to be normal;

Exhilarating isn’t it?

37. She knows who she is and does not doubt herself

38. Only less is sealed when the kiss of the rose is broken...

It is not as hard as it may seem...

40. The sun is directly behind us...

41. hair is not beauty- the soul is the maker of the beauty we mirror...


Three Souls, Enraptured by the passive sun,
possessed by their irridescent minds,
glorifies them with talent
so their voices enrich become one,
enchanting us with
utter soulfulness and
integrity of existence...


*Who wants to be ordinary in a crazy mixed up world*
M. Branch

44. ~I Will never see the sky the same way, and I will learn to say goodbye to yesterday~

V. Carlton

45. hair is not beauty- the soul is the maker of the beauty we mirror...

What happened to do doing nothing?
I'm finished...
You cant finish doing nothing...
Then how do you know when you're done?

47. Time is like a silver bullet waundering aimlessly to nowehere's end....

48. Eternity into Obliviation, try Reading.


I talked to serendipity on the phone last night.
We had a nice long chat, and it's going to be different now…

50. I'm a goddess on her knees.

51. Little sis coming...

52. Put the weight on me...

53. Just when we made it so nice... Are you ever gonna take this thing out?

54. the hills aren't alive...

55. “How about I call you Spike...”

56. You're not me...

57. a skunk sat with itz head in the trash can, snorting a little sneez...

58. CHALKOLATE? Rules!

59. Scream... Ahhhh.....

60. Few and Far Between...

61. try it red, and you loose an arm...

62. Still trying to Read life with Energy?

63. A sun out in the middle of nowhere stared patiently for a space ship coming in...

64. souls crave; babies dance; hawks glide love; all peace needs is life of love...

65. Limes are often misunderstood, for they bring quality for the knife to slice...

66. Taunting him with her silvery blue green eyes she seemed to do well...

67. Tearfully enthralled was I

68. you’re on the verge of going crazy and your hearts in pain...

69. The glare Jordan received from me could've broken millions of pieces of glass in a multisecond...

70. He was too busy looking for your brain

71. Once she had gazed into his soulfully brightly blue colored eyes, she became mesmerized...

72. Skittles are for Tayters!

73. They'd be like, well why dont you sing something for us...

74. Clouds, One by One filled the Sky, Just like These Tears, They filled my Eyes...

75. Were you and I meant to be...Lovers or Haters... far beneath the moonlit deep blue sea...

76. sprawling off mountaintops
crookedly, dipping in water, is my soul true?
puzzle I do often,
why is the ocean of the sky so great to me?

77. Five by Five...

78. Your act only works on an audience.

In the eyes of sorrow,
fetching more amendable nights,
strawberries helped the earth become more available
for enrichment through the senses.

80. A Smiling Lemon drinks the False Water with utmost Superiority...

81. Well, my complaint is legitimate, and yours is infantile.

82. Smile a little; don’t falter with the rain.

83.I have Wandered Far and Wide for something Real, Something to Die For...

Nothing that struck the lightening before can ever grow Without first flickering


My spider sense is tingling.

86. True Life is Music with Soul- not just something you can rock with...

87. It hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time...

88. Ow. Thatched my thumb...


Fingers moved through the wondrous melancholy land with speed of light...


Earthly thoughts of Red
Harmonic Nights of Orange Virtue
Courageous Rays of Yellow
Energetic Healing Forces of Green
Calm Waves of Blue
Intuitive Eyes of Indigo
Pure White Sparkles of Light
All Equal
Passionate and Vibrant Realms of Divine Love, Light & Wisdom

91. Tears shed as they realize that not all Raindrops are Pain Relievers

92. Who comes rescuing the night when the sun howls with rage from injustice?

93. PersonalitiesRlikeoddsometimes...


Skin is like the rippening of tears,
etched within time,
splitering not only scrapings of life
torn by the roads,
but sheltering the unprotected with a soul to bathe in...

Underneath the curtains, I bleached my hair.
Hair of an innocent life,
minced slightly with sorrow.
Eyes that make hunger stray
I yearn to live with love-
Within these walls of shattered mirrors I have
wandered many times,
My aching heart often wondering why
The mind can go forever without the depths of wisdom
That I oddly sometimes possess.

Everytime I stand for you,
You know I'd lay my life down for you...

Skin shines when apt to be covered only by love and not lust.

Notice eyes that gaze upon angels;
angels light of wraping hands around the voice of beautiful music
is like giving life to an innocent child
who hasn't had the love that she deserved...

Hick ups are slightly deceiving when possessed by cold feet...

a peanut butter sandwhich is good upside down;
just don't let it frown...

Life is ...
tremendously joyous...

Opinions Count from Women.

Paths unweaved, are like a journey coming, slowly, yet surely,
giving fresh air to a soul's lungs draws searching near an end,
choosing the road not taken...

Just sitting here, watching our barren lives pass us by.
Oh look, a cockroach...

Those boys aren't sparklingly normal as it is...

Violence Against Women Is A Crime- It is Not a Joke

107. The Power Of Graceful...

108. Get a load of the She-Giles

109. Everybody love me, I'm Puff Brocolli!

110. Planet of the Apes!

111. loco-motion...

112. We're like best friends, only Bester...

What can I say?
I flunked the written.

deathly idle the phone was. calling home was no longer an option.
the door closed long ago.
the side of the window wept at the pain of the moments when everything seemed so clear...


116. No Thing is More Powerful than Love...

I've been investigating the mystical causes of invisibility,
when I should have looked at the quantum mechanical...

a girl who swallowed chocolate, once,
slowly transformed... into a rabbit...

119. Behold the weirdness...


Angels Delve into Doves,
Planting new verses to be told, channeling energy
within time of clouds...

Never come.
Never go.
Never say, Never go away,
Never die...

A Woman who knows her Inner Power is what gives her
strength to be a Warrior
Walking Fearlessly among the
others who say that she is “supposed” to be the “Weak” one.
However, she Never gives in-
She always Raises her Voice.
She speaks her Mind without question-
She knows who she is and does not doubt herself in the presence of a supposed “real man”-
She knows all she needs, honestly is Within her Self, not another.
There is no control over or hatred towards anyone- we just are.
She takes drastic measures to make sure that she is
equal in her partner’s eyes.
If not, then to her, the person isn’t worth even a millionth of a penny.
She does not stop for one Second to Cave into
Conformity of what others expect of her-
Striking a chord, she realizes that she must become unchained from the pressures to remain a victim-
she must lash out with her fierce confidence to take a stand-
Disillusioned is society in its ways of treating others to gain control and power; So we must stomp out these irrational and hurtful concepts into the ground, and let them go...
Together, We as Women, must raise other people’s consciousness into balance.
We must Educate each other;
press for equality, and acknowledgment of our worth as a human,
rather than just an object without emotions and feelings to play with. We must find a way to transform society and the way it works- We need to Gather Together, not be Separate...



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