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My awards page!

For anyone that is wondering, I did not steal ANY of these awards, I WON every single on of them!! As matter a fact, I don't even know how to steal things from anyone's weboage, and I hope no one steals anything from my weboage either!

This is my first award!

Here is my second award that I won with Jeanine's Top Ten Jeanine's Top Ten
This award I won from Audrey Schmid. She is helping me with my other awards.

I won another one today!!

I have a few more awards to post, but I am having some problems with them, so it might be little bit! As of today, Dec. 20 I won another award. It as well of 3 others I have should be posted soon! Thank you for visiting my webpage, and be safe. Be careful not to get into any surfing accidents on the web! They hurt! Peace out! RMC
