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Membership at Center Eaton New Thought Church

Welcome to all new members!!!

As founding Minister of Center Eaton New Thought Church it is my privilege to provide spiritual leadership and guidance to Center Eaton's membership. During my journey as a New Thought minister, I have become aware of the awesome power of the Universe. This Self-Creating Intelligence is Within all of us. I really enjoy the time I spend with members of the Institute as we discover in each other that which we most need to learn to lead us to our highest and best.

At our regular Sunday Inward Mindfulness services, we gather to share and remember three things:

~We are Spirit having a human experience.
~We are already whole, safe, loved and abundantly cared for.
~We each have God Within.

It would be an honor for me to spend some time with you exploring your perfect personal journey in this thing called Life.

I hope you will choose to come and be with us in the very near future.
We will be welcome you into our hearts and our community with open arms.

Rev. Carole Barnett-Stopper

Center Eaton has an open membership. Membership is free of any charge. By simply registering with Rev. Carole via email, you can become a "connected" member of this Sanctuary. Our connection is a strong one of Universal Energy and Love.

Member services are provided both online and at Center Eaton New Thought Church. There is never a fee for membership or any ministerial services - All services are performed on a "love offering" donation basis.

Please submit the following information to Rev. Carole via E-mail:





Special needs:

Desired services at Center Eaton:

Family (spouse or children)

Former Affiliation (optional):

Once the above information has been received, you will be placed on our Membership Roster, and your requests will be addressed. Information on seminars, courses and programs will be sent to you periodically via Email.

Thank you for joining with us and the Power Within!

