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MrDillyYo's Final FantasyVII page

Final Fantasy VII

I would like to say "Final Fantasy VII" is thee best game created. RPG games are far most the most challenging game genre out there. They provide the most challenge, the best storyline, and the best gameplay. What I want to provide you is a source of information on my favorite game created at this time and also provide helpful tips, screen shots, a walk through, and links to other great sites that are dedicated to Final Fantasy VII.

Here are some screen shots of this fantastic game

This evil looking character is actually helpful, it is seen when you get the "Summon Materia:Ifrit" and he then can be used if you have the needed amount of magic points
This is an image of your main guy Cloud (or whatever you named him) riding on whats called a Chocobo. You can raise Chocobos, catch them as well as find and raise hidden Chocobos


Well here it is, a complete walk through as I promised. Just click on it to see it on your browser, then copy and paste it into your writing program located on your computer.

This may come in handy, here is a complete quide to chocobo breeding as well as other info about them
Chocobo Guide

Do you like the Final Fantasy VII soundtrack? Download it here!

What You've Been Waiting For
The hit #1 hit for the playstation "Final Fantasy VII" is now available for the PC (Win95 version), you can download the the rather large DEMO below..

Estimated Time : (14k- 10hrs.) (28k- 5hrs.) (56k- 148mins.)


Leviathans Final Fantasy VII Lair

Final Fantasy VII Chat

Great source for just about any info on FF7 you need

Eddie's Final Fantasy Page


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