Conner x Leah Puppies (page 2)

Dot, now known as Nikki, has joined her new family the McGuirks.

At 3 1/2 weeks

At 6 1/2 weeks

Sean, now known as Kenny, has joined the shelties at Twin Cedars.

At 3 1/2 weeks

At 6 1/2 weeks

Scot, now known as Carter, is one of the Adair clan.

At 3 1/2 weeks

Sorry, Scot's 6 1/2 week pictures didn't turn out

Zsa Zsa (now known as Molly) has joined her new family the Grays

At 3 1/2 weeks

At 6 1/2 weeks

Gretchen (now known as LuLu) has joined her new family the Flemings.

At 3 1/2 weeks

Sorry, Gretchen's 6 1/2 week pictures didn't turn out either.


At 3 1/2 weeks

At 6 1/2 weeks

Sorcha, now known as Avi, has joined the Blu Ribbon gang.

At 3 1/2 weeks

At 6 1/2 weeks


At 3 1/2 weeks

At 6 1/2 weeks

Puppies at 9 1/2 weeks