Leash Training

Leash training can either be a gradual, relaxed learning process or an out and out tug of war. You can start this exercise quite young, by first allowing the puppy to become accustomed to a lightweight collar around his neck for slowly lengthening intervals. Next tie a string or lightweight puppy lead to the collar and allow it to drag. Puppy will be quite surprised at first and may try to gnaw the leash, do not allow him to do this. Distract him with a toy or treat. After he has become used to the leash dragging, pick up the leash and follow him around the room. Move on to gently guiding the puppy in your direction, using voice and treats. If puppy suddenly balks, stand still and give the puppy a little slack. Let him correct himself when he pulls against the leash. There is a fine line between the puppy correcting himself and you actively jerking him about. Puppy soon learns that if he sticks with you the leash does not tighten. Use your voice to praise and encourage him when he is moving nicely on lead. If you have an older leash trained dog, walk them together. Puppy will naturally want to follow the older dog and will put up less of a fuss. If you have started the early training exercises he will already be in the habit of following your lead. Soon he will be following you about like a...puppy!