(Counting my chickens)

Plans for 2017/2018

No litters pending, but a couple are being planned:

I want one more litter from Journey, this is likely to be a fall breeding. Considering a line breeding to Benson.

Tanzy is now 8 years of age and is in excellent health so I am thinking about trying one more litter with her. I am looking for the right sire close to home as she missed when we attempted a breeding last summer.

Excited about the opportunity to co breed a litter with Katy Lancour (Skyrunner). Her very accomplished Journey daughter, Delta, will be completing her pre breeding tests soon and Katy has her eye on a couple of very promising sires for this girl.

Puppies are a lot of work, but also a great joy:-)

Chickens courtesy of Kat's Victorian Clip Art