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Thousand Arms

Thousand Arms is an RPG for the PSX created by the Red Company for Atlus. It is composed of two discs and contains a whopping 12 hours of spoken dialogue! Atlus is planning to release it to the US this summer (99)!

On the outside, this game seems like every other RPG out there: talk to people, fight random groups of enemies, blah, blah, blah. However, anime is incorporated into almost every scene, which makes the game look quite unique. The entire game features two-dimensional characters and awesome three-dimensional backgrounds. The camera angels are also creative: first person, isometric pans, and over the shoulder.

You assume the role of Meis Triumph, a young man who enjoys blacksmith work almost as much as women. Whenever a young lady crosses Meis' path, a heart appears in a thought balloon over his head, and his feet float off the ground. Throughout the course of the game, you will help young Meis find a lady friend. You will have to be careful and answer questions correctly when talking to women, for if you say the wrong thing: BAM! She'll show you who's boss!

Many mini-games will also need to be played to win the affection of a lady. There are also other characters who will join your party. Their origins are tied directly to the core of the plot and not a lot is known about them (except that there is going to be lots of ladies!).

The battle is a little weird. Your full party enters a fight, but they are split up into specific zones. The front character has the ability to fight hand-to-hand or with magic. The characters in the rear can only cast magic or use projectiles. On top of that, the rear characters can also cheer on the front character, which adds one or two hit points to the front character.

Another cool feature is that you can assign elemental (e.g., earth, wind, water, and fire) traits to your weapons. Meis, being a blacksmith, can also forge awesome weapons for the other characters. On top of all that, you can gain cool powers and spells with every successful date or encounter.

This game looks cool. If you have liked Atlus' previous RPG releases (such as Persona, Tactics Ogre, and Kartia), you should check this game out. Also, this game will be great for those who enjoy both anime and RPGs (since there is 12 hours of re-recorded dialogue).

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