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CT Endings

Crono Trigger has 13 different endings, and that is not including the Moonlight Parade Ending variations (I do differentiate them in my Moonlight Parade Endings section). All these endings have to be obtained by defeating Lavos (except for the Losing Ending) and are not only hard to find, but are even harder to accomplish. So, I will do my best in giving some hints.

OK, first, go through the game, get everything you can, and do the Moonlight Parade Ending. After that, begin a new game on Game +. That way, you will have the same levels, items, weapons, and armor as the previous games. If your party is strong enough, you will be able to do the endings. I found that levels around 65 worked the best. Good luck!


Producer's Ending
This is one of my more favorite of the endings. It can be found right away at the Millennial Fair at Leene Square. Once you have Marle in your party, talk to the girl by the fountain in the first screen, and she will tell you that Lucca is ready to show off her new invention. Walk up to where Lucca and Taban are showing their invention and just go ahead and jump into the right Gate. You only have the choice to fight with Crono and Marle, so this one may prove to be the hardest of all the endings.

It is one of my favorites because the people say humorous things:

"Good job! You finished the hardest version on the game! This is the development room for the Crono Trigger game."

"So which is it, the Raiders or the Cowboys?"

"Congratulations on finishing the game. Now get a life!"

"If you thought this was tough, get a load of Final Fantasy III."

"Ever since I started growing out my hair, I've been getting a lot of attention from guys! Yikes!" Flea

"Every night will have a day. Even forever has to come to an end. …I think…" Magus' Statue

"Siht daer naht od ot retteb gnihton evah I."

It's also cool when it goes "3…2…1…Restart!" Then the screen goes black. "Just joking!"

The credits also go by fast because you beat the game fast!

Marriage Video Ending
I thought this was a rather lame ending. It can be found right after you come back from saving Leene in 600 AD. You come through the Gate, Lucca goes off, and you are to escort Marle home. Just hop in the right Gate and defeat Lavos. You have to do this with Crono and Marle.

After you defeat Lavos, you will end back up in Leene Square. There are three main things the people will say to you:

"Princess! Wearing our disguise again, are we?"
"Princess! I see you're dressing…normally again."
"My, your majesty, you look splendid!"

Now, return to Guardia, and the king will show you a 400 year old wedding video while the credits role. It is of Frog and Leene getting married in the Cathedral. "No, Marle, tell me you didn't…"

Nu Ending
This is an OK ending. After you defeat Heckran, you will jump in the Gate that will take you near Lucca's House. Then, go to Leene Square and jump in the right Gate again. Beat Lavos and see the ending. You can do this with a combination of three between Crono, Marle, Lucca, and Robo.

While the credits are rolling, Nu and a frog will be chasing each other all around. It's kind of humorous. At the end, "The End" will drop on top of a sleeping Nu.

Tata and Robo's Ending
This was another rather lame ending. You can get this one by defeating Lavos after you find out that Tata is the Hero. This can only be done with a combination of three between Crono, Marle, Lucca, and Robo.

Some credits will be shown and then you will see Robo at the Future Leene Square with a futuristic Leene Bell. He bumps into his girlfriend, Atropos, and they walk around together (kind of like Crono and Marle do in the beginning).

You will also see Tata sitting on the king's throne, fighting enemies, and then journeying to fight Magus. However, when he gets there, Crono, Marle, and Lucca are all there laughing at him.

Various Scenes Ending
This is another ending that did not impress me. It can be obtained after you retrieve the Hero Medal from Tata. You can do this with a combination of three between Crono, Marle, Lucca, and Robo.

Some credits will roll and you will warp to the house in Medina. You walk out and the imps follow. Then you will see Kino chasing Reptites, Reptites chasing Kino, and Ayla chasing Reptites. After that you will see Magus on a cliff with Ozzie, Flea, and Slash. Then you will see the king and Leene in 600 AD with the Knight Captain and the Knights of the Square Table. You will see Frog in the Cursed Woods and the Robo running across the screen. He then puts "The End" up.

More Scenes Ending
This one is OK, I guess. It can be found by beating Lavos after you get the Gate Key back in 65,000,000 BC. Hop in the Gate to The End of Time and then go to Leene Square to jump in the right Gate to transport you to Lavos. Again, this can be done with a combination of three between Crono, Marle, Lucca, and Robo.

While the credits are rolling, still pictures of the characters will be placed around them.

Frog and Magus Ending
This is a cool ending. It can be obtained after Frog cuts the cliff to the Magic Cave in 600 AD. You can do this with a combination of three between Crono, Marle, Lucca, Frog, and Robo.

At Lucca's House, she is fixing Robo. Marle then tells Lucca to let Robo sleep, for he has fought long and hard.

The scene then changes to Magus' Castle. Someone is taking on Slash. Slash then says, "Grow up" and someone is going to die young. That someone moves on to fight Flea who says, "This is hilarious." Frog is that someone and then defeats Ozzie. He takes on Magus, who says that he and Frog are the only two beings on the planet that are not "cretins" and whoever wins shall rule the world.

There is another scene change to the outside of Magus' Castle. Frog is standing atop the huge gargoyle.

Reptite Ending
This is an OK ending. It can be found by beating Lavos immediately after you have defeated Magus. You have the decision to do this with a combination of three between Crono, Marle, Lucca, Frog, and Robo.

It starts off looking exactly the same as the beginning. Except, however, your mom is a Reptite! So are you! The entire human population are Reptites! But who is the human at the Millennial Fair? The Green Jogger! The credits role and "The End" falls on top of Azala.

Magus' Ending
This is another cool ending, because Magus is probably my favorite character. It can be found by defeating Lavos right after you beat Azala in 65,000,000 BC. You can do this with a combination of three between Crono, Marle, Lucca, Frog, Robo, and Ayla.

Some credits will role then you will see Frog approach Magus' Statue in the Cathedral. The scene will change and you will see the Prophet, Shala, and Zeal, then Frog and Tata in the café in Porre, and a scene with the Prophet, Shala, Janus, and Alfador. After that, you will see Marle, Crono, Nu, Lucca, Marle, Robo, Ayla, and Taban all having fun at the fair. You will then see Magus flying and then a scene of your mom, Crono, Robo (who is playing with the cat(s)), Marle, and Lucca at Crono's House. The last scene is of the Prophet about to take on Lavos, "If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to be destroyed…I must simply laugh! I'm coming Lavos!"

Slide Show Ending
This is another one of my favorite endings. It can be obtained after Shala opens the sealed door in 12,000 BC but before you power up your Pendant. It can be done with a combination of three between Crono, Marle, Lucca, Frog, Robo, and Ayla.

"The End" drops and Marle comes in and says, "What! This's ending already?"

Lucca comes back with, "That's what that word usually means!"

"But things were just starting to get interesting."

"Well, come on folks, let's do the ending things."

"ROLL THE CREDITS! But first, let's remember all the fun things we did!"

"OK! Let the ultimate slide show begin!"

The two then put on a quite amusing slide show of the Steel Runner, a soldier in Guardia, Pierre, Johnny, Cyrus, Toma, and Kino. They basically critique and make fun of each one. No credits are actually shown either.

Frog and Glenn Ending
This is an OK ending. It can be found by defeating Lavos right after Frog defeats Magus. You can do this in a combination of three between Marle, Lucca, Frog, Robo, and Ayla. I thought this was the hardest one because Crono was my strongest party member.

Your party ends up at The End of Time. You have control of Marle and Lucca, and Gaspar says the Gate is going to shut and that you need to hurry. The others (Robo, Ayla, and Frog) act like they do not even care that they will never see each other again. The Guru forgot to give you something…

Marle walks around in the Moonlight Parade alone. You then go to the north end of Leene Square and everyone comes through the Gate: Gaspar, Ayla, and Robo. What about Frog? Could he be that man that Lucca claims to be handsome? Ayla then demands the Time Egg from Gaspar. Gaspar then jumps in the Gate and everyone goes after him. Marle goes to see her father who is attempting to put up the Nadia Bell. Marle and Lucca then ride around in the Epoch, and you will see almost the exact same scenes as those in the Moonlight Parade endings. However, in this one, Marle will end up at the tree on Death Mountain. She runs to the shadow of Crono running…

Moonlight Parade Endings
This is the ending that has several variations. It basically depends on weather or not you have Magus, if you crashed the Epoch, if you saved Lara, and the number of cats you have at Crono's House. This can be done, I believe, anytime after you recover Crono. It can also be done with any three party members (except for Magus if you killed him).

A soldier will wake you up and say that the execution has been canceled, but you must still carry out the remainder of your sentence. King Guardia asks where you took Nadia then Doan, King Guardia (from 600 AD), and Kino stick up for you. Nadia (Marle) finally figures out that these are her ancestors and descendants.

You and Marle then walk through the Moonlight Parade together. Go up to the Gates, everyone says their good-byes, and goes back to their respective time periods.

If you did not crash Epoch. Your mom will chase your cats who jump into the Gate. The Gate will not open anymore, so you must use the Epoch to go after her. Go see King Guardia, who gives Nadia a gift: the Nadia Bell. She does not really care and runs off with the rest of the party. Taban enters and starts shooting off fireworks while the king is holding up the Bell. The Epoch flies around while the credits role. Various scenes are also shown: Robo and Atropos (his girlfriend) sitting together, Kino and Ayla flying Dactyls, Frog, and some 600 AD people.

If you crashed Epoch, the cats and your mom will never come and jump in the Gate. Instead, you will go down to see the king's gift. While going to hang it up, Nadia begins to fly away by some balloons. Crono grabs onto her, and they go for a ride. You will then see the same scenes as you would while flying the Epoch.

Losing Ending
This is the not good ending. It can be found anywhere with any combination of party members. All you have to do is die while defeating Lavos. Everything is destroyed, and you get a message that says the world refused to change.

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