The cute, little, pink thing is your Baby, or virtual pet-like companion (like Tamagotchi). The entire concept is revolved around the virtual pet concept and your interaction with it will determine its personality, growth, and abilities. In the beginning of your quest, it will not do much except for follow you. It will even run from battles. However, it will eventually learn how to morph into 14 different creatures including a T-Rex, a tree, and a worm-like creature.
There is also the imaginative concept of Combat Toys. You get to hunt down and collect these different Combat Toys just like in Pokémon. They can be found in shelves and barrels, bought by merchants, and recovered when you defeat a boss. During battle, these Toys can be summoned to aid you for a set number of Magic Points.
The battles are quite comparable to those of FFVII. The main character, a knight, can only wield basic sword attacks, but he also determines what Baby will do and what Toys to summon. Another cool thing is that there are no random battles being similar to Crono Trigger (or perhaps Zelda II). You will not know who you are fighting, but you will at least get the chance to evade an unwanted attack. You will even know when you are about to fight a boss! YEAH!
This game contains an overworld exploration that is magnificently constructed. You can control the camera angle to eliminate the chance of obstructed vision. You can also run (like in Crono Trigger and FFVII), which will make your exploration more fast paced.
The Baby's origin is unknown. Your quest is to find the answers.
This game looks good. The story is well written, entertaining, and hilarious. I recommend this game to any RPGer. So, set the cute, Barney-like appearance and the fact that you only get to have two main characters out of your mind. Remember, this cute, pink thing turns into a killing machine and can morph into 14 different creatures. Besides that, the Baby also adds hilarious elements to the story. As for only having two characters, you will acquire over 50 Toys to aid you in your party! Don't pass this one up on looks!