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Legend of Legaia

Legend of Legaia is an awesome-looking RPG for the PSX. It is created by Sony Computer Entertainment Incorporated (SCEI), the creators of Wild ARMs. It is already out in the US.

The graphics are OK. Since SCEI created Legend of Legaia and Wild ARMs, Legend of Legaia resembles the graphics in Wild ARMs.

This game looks good. The combos were not as I had expected. The concept is fairly easy to understand. I can't wait to play the complete version (when I get the money to buy it), and I recommend this game to any RPGer and anyone who enjoyed Wild ARMs.

God created the heavens,
The earth, and the seas.
After creating all the things in the
Universe, god created humans
To rule over the world.
Yet, while possessing the wisdom
Of god, humans were physically
Weaker than the wild beasts
And impulsive in spirit.
Many times did the humans
Come close to dying out forever.
Concerned about the humans'
Future, god gave them a mighty
Force with which to aid them.

It was the "Seru."

Since the dawn of human
Memory, known as history,
Humans lived together with
Creatures know as Seru.
The Seru lived together with
Humans, always obeying them
And making humans many times
Stronger than before.

When not worm by a human, a Seru
Looks much like a stone figure.

Upon touching a human, a Seru
Changes form and gives that human
Secret abilities.
With a Seru, a human can lift
Objects heavier than itself and
Even fly in the air at will.

However, that era came to an end…

Appearing from out of nowhere,
The Mist covered the land,
Bringing to an end prosperous
Symbiosis between humans and Seru.

After the thick Mist came,
The Seru, who once obeyed the humans,
Rebelled against them.

The Seru began attacking humans
At will. Seru that attached
Themselves to humans controlled
Their minds and turned them into
Evil beasts.

As if forsaken by god,
The human civilization collapsed.
It was the twilight of humanity.

Those who escaped the Mist
Inhabited the desolate areas
And protected each other.
Now, their faint hope is
Their only source of inspiration…

You are Vahn, praying at the Genesis Tree at Rim Elm, your village. The Village Elder speaks to you with a young girl at his side. Tomorrow, you are a hunter and an adult.

You walk up and meet with Mei, your female friend a single year older than yourself. Her father, Juno, is hunting. She is making your hunting clothes and will meet you at your house to take some final measures.

Your father, Val, and your sister, Nene, are conversing with Mei. When Nene questions Mei on whether she likes you, she blushes. Mei likes you.

Go down to the beach and speak to Tetsu. Biron is the god of power and love. The Biron Monastery is dedicated to Biron and is outside of Rim Elm. He is a faithful monk of Biron and dedicated his life to human strength and skills without the Seru.

You train with him and learn how to fight (he will even teach you a combo). He then introduces you to Gala (only in the demo, for Gala is training at Biron), and Gala comes with you.

The hunters are back, but someone was killed. Juno! Go back to your house and sleep. Val and Nene awaking you, for the were awaken by a sound coming from the wall, which has been protecting the village for ten years. You go to check things out, and Noa, a young female fighter, comes with you.

Zeto, an enemy, enters. Don't worry, you don't have to fight him, not yet anyway. He calls humans pathetic for shuddering at the words "Mist" and "Seru." The Mist breaks through! You go to the Genesis Tree, and it speaks to you. Meta, a Ra-Seru, gives you its power and tells you to get everyone to gather at the Tree.

As you talk to the townspeople, they are in fear and do not trust you, for you have a Ra-Seru on your right arm. When you talk to your father, he understands that there is no other choice but to trust you and Meta. So, everyone is gathered at the Tree, and they pray. As they pray, the Tree begins to grow! The Genesis Tree at Rim Elm has awakened! Here, you learn that your journey is to travel the world and awaken the many other Genesis Trees in the world.

The next day, the dead are put to sea. The people believe that the dead will travel to the Valley of Noaru, which I picture to be something similar to Valhalla in Norse Mythology.

The Elder again speaks to you. He suspects that Mei's biological mother, Maya, is still alive. Since Mei thinks that her father was her last blood relative, she is depressed and thinks that she is alone. Maya used to work at Biron, and may still be there. (In the demo, this is where Gala and Noa part with you.)

You are now able to buy weapons, armor, and other items at the shop, which was not open before. You learn that there are four types of weapons/armor: head, arms, torso, and legs. Upper body protection depends on your head and torso protection, while lower body protection depends on torso and leg protection. Your arm and leg protection will determine how effective your attacks are.

You embark on your quest to find Maya and awaken the other Genesis Trees. Mei gives you the Hunter Clothes, and you are off.

This is the end of the demo. I suppose you go to Biron next. There, I am guessing you meet with Gala, and perhaps Noa. I think that you will have to do quite a bit more to find Maya, but these are just premonitions from playing the demo.

Legend of Legaia Pics
Legend of Legaia Combos
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