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Shadow Madness

Shadow Madness is the first American developed RPG for the PSX since Parasite Eve. It consists of 2 discs and features over 60 hours of gameplay. Shadow Madness is created by Craveyard for Crave Entertainment, the same creators of Secret of Evermore.

In this story, you are Stinger, a teenager who lost his family through some sort of epidemic. You have six characters who will aid you on your journeys. One is Windleaf, a female archer who can cast magic (she may also be a love interest). Another character is Harv-5, a robot with a scythe arm.

Although the story line can be intense and at times hilarious, it drags and slows down quickly. On top of that, the gameplay can get rather frustrating. The battles can be described as frustrating and a waste of time. The graphics are also kind of lame. It just seems like American companies aren't willing to invest the money that needs to be put into a quality RPG.

The story is probably the best thing about this game. It'll entertain you if you are willing to take the time to read everything. Another neat feature is two mini-games. One is a first person Doom-like game. The other is a maze that must be navigated by submarine.

This game tries to mimic FFVII all too much, which will turn many people off. I recommend trying this game before you buy it.

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