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A Little About Me and This Page

Hello and welcome to Rage's RPG Heaven. I am a 17 year old senior at a small high school in a small town of Michigan.

RPGs are not my only interest. Playing RPGs is only a hobby of mine. I also enjoy making web pages.

Music is one of my passions (my girlfriend is my other passion). I am a talented musician and am seriously considering it as a career, whether it be composing or performing. I listen to just about all types of music, although I tend to stay away from rap, R & B, and country.

I first got interested in RPGs when my dad brought home Dragon Warrior I. I was still too young to completely grasp the concept but was still quite intrigued. I then went on to play Final Fantasy I, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventures of Link, Dragon Warrior II, Dragon Warrior III. Those are the classics. No game will ever compare to those no matter how good the graphics.

Sega really disappointed me. The Phantasy Star quests were quite lame, tedious, and frustrating. The SNES set the future for the RPG genre in coming out with Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, Chrono Trigger, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. All of those were completely awesome games.

RPGs began to hit the US by storm with the release of Final Fantasy VII. However, that is not exactly a good thing. Many lame RPGs came out because of it. Even Square Soft made some really crappy RPGs (Saga Frontier and Parasite Eve).

The reviews on my site are merely my opinion supported by facts. My walkthroughs are mine and purely original. Most were written without the use of any other source of strategy guide or even the use of the directions given when the game was purchased. That is the reason why I do not have walkthroughs for every game on my site.

I have played the games and own most of them. If you are stuck, I would be glad to help you. Just e-mail me at

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to visit my site. Come again…

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