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Breath of Fire III

Breath of Fire III is an RPG and is the sequel to Breath of Fire I and Breath of Fire II, both of which are for the Super NES.

Some new features introduced to this game are a terrain constructed of 3D wire frame (which allows for camera rotation and effects), spells are done in 3D (but the characters are still 2D), and the hunting and fishing feature is greatly improved. You can also enter an apprenticeship and learn special skills.

The story line is good, although it in centered around the same story as the previous Breath of Fires. The game starts of with a young boy, Ryu, who has no recollection of the past. Two thieves (who are really just boys) are introduced into the plot and accompany Ryu, because they know how it is to have no one. One of the boys is taken hostage and Ryu's first journey is to save this boy. The first few minutes of the game drag, but it picks up rather quickly. There are also many plot twists and turns. This is a game recommended for just about any RPGer.

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