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Wild ARMs

Wild ARMs is a great role-playing game (RPG) for the Sony Playstation. There are three main characters that go on a quest to save their homeland, Filgaia, from the demons. The demons call themselves the Quarter Knights: Zeikfried, Belselk, Lady Harken, and Alzahad. Belselk eventually dies and is replaced by Boomerang and his dog, Lucid.



One of the main characters in this game is Rudy Roughnight. He starts off as a fifteen year old wandering youth who always knew he was different from the other kids, they too knew. Rudy was raised by his grandfather and was grief stricken when he passed away. A small while later, Rudy becomes an outcast.

Rudy is compatible with ARMs, or Ancient Relic Machines. His first ARM is the Hand Cannon. After that, he finds the Prism Ray, Rocket Launcher, Twin Orbs, Bazooka, Phaser, Wild Bunch, and Arch Smasher throughout the duration of the quest.

The characters also have Force Limit Breaks and Tools. Rudy's Force Limit Breaks are Lock On, Summon Guardian, Protector, and Fury Shot. His Tools are The Bombs, Radar, Roller Skates, and the Power Glove.

Jack Van Burace

Jack is a 27 year old Treasure Hunter/Swordsman. He is on the search for the "Absolute Power". Jack's specialty is the Fast Draw. They are Psycho Crack, Sonic Buster, Meteor Dive, Trickster, Heal Blade, Divide Shot, Soul Breaker, Blast Charge, Slash Rave, Guilty Blade, Shadow Bind, Magnum Fang, Phazer Zapp, Cosmic Nova, Void, and Trump Card.

Just like the other characters, Jack has Force Limit Breaks and Tools. His Force Limit Breaks are Accelerator, Summon Guardian, Sonic Vision, Double Attack. His Tools are Hanpan (his Wind Mouse and partner), Lighter, Grappling Hook, and the Maya Guitar.

Jack is my favorite Wild ARMs character. He is an all around good fighter and I love his Fast Draws. He also has a hidden past with Lady Harken. Play the game to find out more.


Cecilia Lynne Adlehyde starts off as a sixteen year old "girl from an abbey". She is actually the princess and heir of Adlehyde. She was sent to the Curan Abbey to study magic and is to return to Adlehyde Castle on her seventeenth birthday (which is the next day).

Cecilia's specialty is binding spells on Crest Graphs. There are four elements in which are used (two at a time) to bind a spell. Geo is the element Earth and symbolizes Protection and Creation, Fray is the element Fire and symbolizes Attack and Destruction, Wing is the element Wind and symbolizes Athletics and Prosperity, and Muse is the element Water and symbolizes Recovery and Harmony. There are 16 Black lower level magic spells and 16 White ones. There are also 16 Black higher level magic spells and 16 white ones. That equals 64 total spells that can be obtained.

Cecilia's Force Limit Breaks are Mystic, Summon Guardian, High Guardian, and Dual Cast. Mystic has many effects. All her right hand weapons have some sort of effect: Mage Staff-Shield, Magical Rod-Blast, Dream Wand-Sleep, Prism Stick-Field, Rune Staff-Dispel, Sorcery Wand-Silence, Rainbow Wand-Rainbow, Lunar Rod-Valkyrie, Lunatic Wand-Confusion, Crest Wand-MP Drain, Princess Rod-Soul Shield, and Dist Dims-Soul Guard. Her head equipment: Capuche-Analyze, Cute Ribbon-Hide, Serenade-Restore, Blue Ribbon-Hi Reflect, and Silver Band-Haste. Her body armor: Breeze Cape-Air Screen, White Robe-Lock State, Myst Blazer-Reflect, Magus Robe-Suction, Protect Cape Protect, Chic Bolero-Anger, Ruby Bische-Anti Magic, Shining Cape-Flash, Mirage Coat-Quick, Garnet Coat-Hi Shield, Filgaia Robe-Eraser, Preta Porte-Regenerate. The Bone also gives the Lucky Shot affect.

Cecilia's Tools are the Tear Drop (her heirloom), the Pocket Watch, Magic Wand, and the Vase.

Guardians and Runes

The Guardians help you along your quest. Many people think that they are nothing but a myth. They are forgotten but Cecilia can still speak to them through her Tear Drop. The following is a list of the Runes and their Guardians afterward.

Fire-Moa Gualt
Thunder-Nua Shakks
Flash-Stare Roe
Death-Ge Ramtos
Saint-Ione Paua
Heavens-Solus Emsu
Ice-Aru Sulato
Chrono-Dan Dairam
Hades-Dura Drum

The Golems

While most of the Golems are your enemies, one does come to your aid. There were eight built long ago. Lucifer, Seto, Diablo, Lolithia, Desert Golem (forgot name), Leviathon, Angol Moa, and Ragugarula are all enemies. The Defensive Golem travels you around and gets you access to the Photospere.

Special Items
Every great RPG has special items that you need to get along the way. In Wild ARMs you need to get the Magic Map, Ocarina, Saber Fang, Holy Medal, Kizim Fire, Key Plate, Crystal Bud, Bracelet, Red Malice, Blue Virtue, Wind Up Key, Metal Bird, Rune Drive 1 and 2, Dragon Idol, Lion Idol, Goddess Idol, Spirit Key, Secret Tool, Gemini Circuit 1 and 2, Black Pass, Dispellado, Arms, Wings, and the Eye.

The Item Glitch
Wild ARMs has an item glitch in which you can turn one item into 255 items. Here is how it is done:

1.) Make sure that you are in battle.

2.) Make Rudy and Jack each use an item; a Heal Berry for example.

3.) Then, have Cecilia highlight the Heal Berry. DO NOT USE IT!

4.) Now, swap the highlighted Heal Berry with whatever item you want 255 of. REMEMBER: YOU MUST SWAP THE HEAL BERRY WITH A ITEM YOU HAVE ONLY ONE OF!

5.) Now, get out of the item screen and make the third person parry or attack. I prefer the parry strategy.

6.) After that fight round, go back to the item screen and you should have 255 of the item.

One Last Hint…
In the Tripillar, Jack, Rudy, and Cecilia must split off and go different ways. If you do not put them in their corresponding warps, you will be screwed (to put it rather bluntly). So, here is where they go: Jack goes left, Rudy goes right, and Cecilia goes to the middle.

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