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Xenogears is one of the more complex RPGs. It is made by Square Soft for the Sony PlayStation.

Where shall I begin? Well, when the beginning is rolling in, anyone who is familiar with Square Soft RPGs will notice immediate similarities (especially when the remix of Chrono Trigger's theme song begins to play).

The story will blow your mind and remind you of many other games and texts. The story surrounds itself about questions of religion, theocracy (government ruled by divine ruler), evolution v. creationism, and the return of an Antichrist. This game can trigger the wrong message about religion and may piss some people off (you may want to consider that if contemplating whether or not to play the game).

The story is long, and if the story of FFVII bothered you, this will too. The towns are also quite large and some talking segments last well over two hours.

The fighting sequence is also different, using the combo system. This system is like a fighting game (the combos in Killer Instinct, for example). So, that may be a big turn off to many people.

Overall, the game looks fairly good. If you can get past the long story, the religious aspects, and the combo system, this game is for you. If you cannot get past all that, then I do not recommend it.

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