Chapter 7:
They had walked for about an hour, stopping and looking in the windows of shops that had closed and such. Teresa told Taylor that it was almost to her curfew, and they headed back to the car. After they had both gotten in, he leaned over and kissed her again. She pulled away from him. "You keep doing that. Why?"

"I just want to kiss you," he said.

"Well…" She was at a loss for words, so she simply said, "I just want to go home."

Taylor shrugged, started the car, and then pulled out of his parking space. After he had pulled up in front of her apartment building, he got out of the car and opened her door for her. She smiled, and got out of the car also. He walked her to the door, where he stopped.

"So," he said, "This is good-bye. I didn't make you sick, I see."

"No," she agreed.

"I didn't make you too uncomfortable or nervous?" he asked.

"Only once or twice."

"Do you still not want to kiss me?" he asked. She looked up at him, dark eyes uncertain. He looked so soft and gentle. At this moment, her heart had seemed to swell to bursting.

"I don't know," she replied weakly. He put his hand beneath her chin, and lifted her face up. Then, he tilted his head and leaned in, softly kissing her lips. After a moment or two, he pulled back.

"Do you still not want to kiss me?" he repeated. Her eyes were still closed, and her chin still rested in his hand. He took the liberty to kiss her again, and was surprised when she began to kiss him back. He returned her kiss a little bit harder than before. Afraid he might scare her if he pushed too hard, he put his free hand behind her neck and licked her lip softly. When she didn't freak out, he carefully pried her mouth open and slid his tongue between her lips. She let him, and put her arms around his neck as well, now standing on tiptoe so that her mouth could fully envelop his mouth.

He let his mouth stray away from hers briefly, brushing her neck with his tongue. She was a bit startled when she felt a wave of pleasure wash over her. His mouth returned to hers, though, ceasing any protest that had been about to come out of her mouth. His hands moved down her back, slow and easy. His hands roamed to her buttox, then let his hand move around to the front of her shirt. He moved his hand up her belly, which tickled her. He kissed her harder, and reached behind him with his other hand to touch hers. Her hand moved to hold his, and he guided hers to his own stomach. She mimicked him, and moved her hand under his shirt. He began to push her backwards, so that they could be in the shadow of the wall. He pinned her against it, and pressed his body to hers. His hands grazed her breasts, and went back down again.

By this point, she didn't know what she was doing and was too overcome with sudden lust to care. His fingers brushed her inner thigh, and then brushed across her abdomen again. They played with the waistband of her pants, then - as though waiting for her response - at last went inside. His hand seemed to crawl to her panty line, and then he touched her. She didn't mean to, but she let out a low moan. "Tay…lor," she whimpered.

"So I make you wet, too, after all," he said breathlessly. His mouth again trailed down her neck. He was shocked when her hand suddenly began to fumble with the button on his pants. He stopped her hand. "Not outside…inside."

They pushed their way inside, still kissing. No one else was out, thank God. The elevator quickly took them up to her apartment. They stumbled down the hall to her door, where she began to dig in her pockets for her key. At las she found it, unlocked the door quickly, and they fell inside. Taylor slammed the door behind them. She pulled him towards her room. Once inside, she closed the door, and he pulled her down onto the bed. They quickly resumed their business. He had gotten her pants unzipped as she had his. He was pulling her underwear off of her when he asked, "Is this what you want?"

"Yes," she groaned, pulling him down on her. "Please…don't stop. I can't, I can't…"

Taylor pushed his mouth down over hers, and quietly warned her, "This may hurt a little bit…"
