Upon Reading "Twilight," by Shulamith Hareven, and "The Pictorial History of the Holocaust"one bare bone stands plantedon a pile of rubble it signifies no tomorrow it points the way at an awkward angle to the city of sorrow it shakes in the dust as the bricks are cleared away to make room for the rubble of another day one bare bone stripped clean by starving rats planted high on the stack of a razed synagogue is the ghetto standard the warsaw flag of an entire nation under-fed their feet bled on broken glass with yellow patches on their backs they listen to the distant shaking of a railroad track an approaching cattle car which in its rhythm seems to say i am the way . . . . . . i am the way to the city obscured by the cleanest smoke where the people choke on the bones of starving rats while mozart's operas fill the air and everyone and no one seems to care that time is out of sync that time is out of sync and mozart's operas fill the air and starving rats and piles of bricks and pointing bones are everywhere --Scott Ennis Read more of Scott Ennis' poetry at SonnetWriters.com |