AFZ Enterprises

Print and Electronic Publishing, Design, and Consultations

Have a story to tell? Need a webpage designed? We will help you get published and get noticed.

Let Us Help You Tell The World!

We can provide you with the tools and ideas to make your dreams become a reality, and at affordable prices, too! In many cases, we can provide a basic webpage for as little as $50.00. On line form pages for only $75.00. Got a manuscript to publish? For a $100.00 consultation fee, we will provide you with a list of publishers and other useful information. We can also publish it for you at a very reasonable price.

Other services include manuscript preparation, type-setting for self-publication, and convertion from print to electronic or electronic to print. For a modest retainer, we can work with you in producing periodicals. For a full description of all services, click HERE.

AFZ Enterprises also produces our own publications, to meet a variety of needs and interests.

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For more information you may e-mail us at the link below.

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