Secrets of the Internet

©1998 by AFZ Enterprises

The Internet is the fastest growing medium in the history of communications. In only a few, short years, it has surged from obscurity to now threatening every other form of media. Many people have been left behind due to this rapid growth. They have no idea how to best utilize the Internet.

If you count yourself as one of those who needs help understanding the Net, you need "Secrets of the Internet"! This handy booklet will give you the practical information for mastering cyberspace. Each chapter gives you step-by-step instructions on subjects like:

For only $5.00, this booklet can be yours. Whether you own a computer, Web-TV ® or just use one from work or a library, "Secrets of the Internet" is for you. It's only $5.00, and you can pay for it via the Internet easily using PAYPAL. And you get $5.00 for joining PAYPAL, so you can get your copy for FREE!:

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